
A blockchain explorer for Bitcore

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import insightPreviousTcr from '';



A blockchain explorer for Bitcore.

Quick Start

To get started, first start a bitcore node, then run insight:

cd bitcore
npm start insight-previous

Network / Chain setting

To use a specific network / chain set the NETWORK and CHAIN environment variable, e.g.:

NETWORK=testnet CHAIN=BCH npm start


If you change insight-previous package.json, and run npm i in root directory, lerna will rebuild dependencies of project. Because of issue in insight-previous configuration you may get cannot find module 'base58' error. Follow solution on this github issue:

Generally npm i after that should be run in root directory, and also in insight-previous dir. Another caveat is, on some systems when you run npm i it may run unbuild rmStuff action in one of the subdirs in node_modules. If these are symlinks, as lerna does, it may end up deleting npm packages in node_modules outside of folder you've run npm i. It happens only on some systems. One possible solution is to run npm i again in root directory, but it hasn't been battle-tested.

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