
Deep traverse an object and substitute placeholders from a set of values.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import interpolateParameters from '';


String interpolation on configuration parameters

While iterating trough on an object or array, it replaces placeholders with values from a given set. Additionally, if a placeholder perfectly matches (read: no other characters before and after are present) the actual value will be returned as-is, without transforming it to a string.


Do not use this module on untrusted strings (eg. user input or where user could manipulate the string somehow). Expressions could contain harmful code which gets executed.


npm install --save interpolate-parameters


const interpolate = require("interpolate-parameters");

const messages = {
    userName: "${name}",
    greetings: "Hello ${name.first}!"
const data = { name: { first: "John", last: "Doe" }};
const result = interpolate(messages, data);

console.log(result); // { userName: { first: "John", last: "Doe" }, greetings: "Hello John!" }
console.log(messages); // { userName: "${name}", greetings: "Hello ${name.first}!" }

Alternatively you can also specify a pattern for the replacement format:

const interpolate = require("interpolate-parameters");

const messages = {
    userName: "%name%",
    greetings: "Hello %name.first%!"
const pattern = /\%(\S+)\%/g;
const data = { name: { first: "John", last: "Doe" }};

const result = interpolate(messages, data, pattern);

console.log(result); // { userName: { first: "John", last: "Doe" }, greetings: "Hello John!" }
console.log(messages); // { userName: "%name%", greetings: "Hello %name.first%!" }

Interpolation also works on nested objects, arrays and strings:

const interpolate = require("interpolate-parameters");

const messages = {
    userName: "${name}",
    greetings: {
        en: "Hello ${name.first}!",
        fr: "Bonjour ${name.first}!"
const messages_array = [
    "Hello ${name.first}!"
const data = { name: { first: "John", last: "Doe" }};

const nested = interpolate(messages, data);
const array = interpolate(messages_array, data);
const string = interpolate(messages_array[0], data);

// {
//   userName: { first: "John", last: "Doe" },
//   greetings: { en: "Hello John!", fr: "Bonjour John!" }
// }

console.log(array); // [ { first: "John", last: "Doe" }, "Hello John!" ]
console.log(string); // "Hello John!"
console.log(messages_array); // [ "${name}", "Hello ${name.first}!" ]


  • As seen in the example above, the original messages object will not be modified. Everytime a new copy will be returned.
  • Any valid JS expression will be executed in placeholders. Eg. "${ Math.round(Math.PI * 100) / 100 }" will be 3.14 (as integer).
  • If the placeholder is the complete string, like "${...}" its result is not casted to string. If the expression contains any other character, eg. "aaaa${...}" the result will be casted to string. This is useful when you want to reference arrays or numbers.


  • Implement tests.