
TypeScript function I/O utility types

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ioType from '';


🛠️ io-type

TypeScript function I/O utility types

npm install --save-dev io-type

📖 Terminology

Term Description
Function Any single-argument function (sync or async)
Input Function argument
Output Function return value
Record Object with function values

👻 Type utilities


Type Description
InType<T> Input type
OutType<T> Output type
InOutInterType<T> Intersection of input and output type
InOutUnionType<T> Union of input and output type


Type Description
RecordInType<T> Record input types
RecordOutType<T> Record output types
RecordInUnionType<T> Record input union type
RecordOutUnionType<T> Record output union type
RecordInInterType<T> Record input intersection type
RecordOutInterType<T> Record output intersection type