
A blog post system that uses markdown and generates a simple html blog post.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ipress from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ipress';


title: ipress - markdown to web page description: create web pages using markdown


Build Status

ipress is a command-line interface that focuses on simplicity when creating web pages using markdown and front-matter. You can use it to quickly get a simple post, or you can use it to build a static driven blog or simple web site.

Don't know what markdown is? Check out https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/

It is a simple text language that focuses on creating content for html pages.


Getting Started

Install ipress

npm install -g ipress

Create a simple markdown file called index.md

title: My First Page

# My First Web Page

This is a sample markdown page

Use ipress to build your html page

ipress index.md > index.html

Open in your web browser

open index.html

Deploying Options


When you build your markdown files, you can create a style.css file that is configured to be the css file used to style your generated html file. There is a sister project designed to make it easy to add styles to your pages. Check out https://github.com/twilson63/istyle

Other Tools

  • Spell Checker

Spell Check your article

npm i spellchecker-cli -g
spellchecker --files example.md
  • Write Good

Grammar checking your article

npm i write-good -g
write-good example.md

HTML Headers

When creating a post you may want to setup the title of the site, and a description. You can also add open graph resources like an image.

title: My Web Page Title
description: My description for the web page
image_url: https://fillmurray.com/300/300
image_alt: Bill Murray

This html headers adds nice data when users post the links to social media sites.


PULL Requests welcome

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  • ejs Creators and Contributors