
Module for type detection

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import isExtended from '';


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is-extended is a Javascript library that can be used standalone or incorporated into extended

var is = require("is-extended");


var myextended = require("extended")


npm install is-extended

Or download the source (minified)


is-extended includes the following type coercion methods.

  • isFunction : Test if something is a function
  • isObject : Test if something is an object.
  • isEmpty : Test if something is empty.
  • isHash : Test if something is a hash.
is.isHash({}); //true
is.isHash(new Number(1)); //false

is.isObject({}); //true
is.isObject(new Number(1)); //true
  • isNumber : Test if something is a number.
  • isString : Test if something is a string.
  • isDate : Test if something is a Date.
  • isArray : Test if something is an Object
  • isBoolean : Test if something is a boolean value.
  • isUndefined : Test if something is strictly equal to undefined.
  • isDefined : Test if something is strictly not equal to undefined.
  • isUndefinedOrNull : Test if something is strictly equal to null or undefined.
  • isNull : Test if something is strictly equal to null.
  • isArguments : Test if something is an Object
  • instanceOf : Test if something is an Object
  • isRegExp : Test if something is a RegExp
  • isTrue : Test if something is strictly equal to true
  • isFalse : Test if something is strictly equal to false
  • isNotNull : Test if something is strictly not equal to null.


Tests if two object are deep equal.

is.deepEqual([1,2,3], [1,2,3]); //true
is([1,2,3]).deepEqual([1,2,3]); //true

is.deepEqual({ a: { b: "c"}}, {a : false}); //false
is({ a: { b: "c"}}).deepEqual({ a: { b: "c"}}); //true


Test if two objects are ==


Test if two objects are !=


Test if two objects are ===


Test if two objects are !==


Test if an object is in a array.

is.isIn('a', ['a', 'b', 'c']); //true

is('a').isIn(['a', 'b', 'c']); //true


Test if something is not in an array.

is.isIn('d', ['a', 'b', 'c']); //true

is('d').isIn(['a', 'b', 'c']); //true


Check if a value is < a given value.

is.isLt(1, 2); //true
is("a").isLt("b"); //true


Check if a value is <= a given value.

is.isLte(2, 2); //true
is("a").isLte("b"); //true


Check if a value is > a given value.

is.isGt(2, 1); //true
is("b").isGt("a"); //true


Check if a value is >= a given value.

is.isGte(2, 2); //true
is("b").isLt("a"); //true


Check if a value is like a given regexp.

is.isLike("a", /a/); //true
is.isLike("a", "a"); //true
is(1).isLike(/\d/); //true
is.isLike(1, "\\d"); //true


Check if a value is not like a given regexp.

is.isNotLike("a", /\d/); //true
is("a").isNotLike("b"); //true


Checks if an array contains a given value.

is.contains([1,2,3], 2); //true
is([1,2,3]).contains(2); //true


Checks if an array does not contain a given value.

is.notContains([1,2,3], 2); //true
is([1,2,3]).notContains(2); //true

Creating a custom tester.

To create a custom type tester you can use the tester method.

var tester = is.tester().isArray().isDate().isBoolean().tester();
tester([]); //true
tester(new Array()); //true
tester(new Date()); //true
tester(true); //true
tester(false); //true
tester(new Boolean()); //true

tester("hello"); //false
tester(); //false
tester(new String()); //false
tester({}); //false
tester(new Object()); //false


The is-exteded switcher method allows you to create a structure that executes certain code when a value passes a test.

var mySwitcher = is.switcher()
    .isLt(0, function (num) {
        return num + " is lt 0";
    .isLte(5, function (num) {
        return num + " is gte 0 lte 5";
    .isLte(10, function (num) {
        return num + " is gt 5 lte 10";
    .isGt(10, function (num) {
        return num + " is gt 10";
    .def(function (num) {
        return num + " is unknown value";

for (var i = -1; i < 12; i++) {

Outputs the following

-1 is lt 0
0 is gte 0 lte 5
1 is gte 0 lte 5
2 is gte 0 lte 5
3 is gte 0 lte 5
4 is gte 0 lte 5
5 is gte 0 lte 5
6 is gt 5 lte 10
7 is gt 5 lte 10
8 is gt 5 lte 10
9 is gt 5 lte 10
10 is gt 5 lte 10
11 is gt 10