
Detects if node is modern, with helpful command line tools

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import isNodeModern from '';


is-node-modern NPM Module

Detects if node is modern, with helpful command line tools

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npm install --save-dev is-node-modern

then add to your package.json following script:

  "scripts": {
    "my-action": "is-node-modern && thing-I-want-to-do-in-modern-node-versions || is-node-not-modern"

By default it will consider modern node versions that equal or above LTS version.

Also you can specify custom threshold, like:

  "scripts": {
    "my-action": "is-node-modern 6 && thing-I-want-to-do-in-node-v6-or-above || is-node-not-modern 6"

to execute provided commands within custom threshold.



Running eslint in node version equal or above 4 (current LTS version):

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint *.js",
    "ci-lint": "is-node-modern && npm run lint || is-node-not-modern"

Now you can have CI for node versions below 4, while running latest eslint only within node@4+.


Also, it could be used as regular node module:

var isNodeModern = require('is-node-modern');

if (isNodeModern())
  // only run in node@4+

if (isNodeModern(6))
  // only run in node@6+


Is-Node-Modern is released under the MIT license.