
Javascript library for accessing and manipulating HTTP cookies in the web browser.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jaauldeCookies from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jaaulde-cookies';



Javascript library for accessing and manipulating HTTP cookies in the web browser.

Get one or a list of cookies, set cookies, delete cookies, test if the browser accepts cookies. When JSON support is available, any JS value can be set to a cookie--it will be automatically serialized before being written, and un-serialzied on read.

GitHub version Bower version NPM version



bower install jaaulde-cookies


npm install jaaulde-cookies


Download the code, link it in your HTML file.

<script src="/path/to/jaaulde-cookies.js"></script>


This library is intended for use in the browser to access and manipulate cookies. It provides a singleton API, cookies.

Cookie options

As you'll see in the docs below, many of the methods can take an options parameter. The options that can be set are:

Option Description Default Note
domain Domain for which the cookie be available null (current domain)
path Path for which the cookie be available '/'
expires Date object representing expiration date/time of cookie null (expires when browser closes) Setting a past date/time will delete the cookie
secure Should cookie be sent to server via HTTPS only? false

Test for browser cookie acceptance


 * test - test whether the browser is accepting cookies
 * @access public
 * @static
 * @return {boolean}
test: function ()
if (cookies.test()) {
    // browser is accepting cookies!

Set cookies


 * set - set or delete a cookie with desired options
 * @access public
 * @static
 * @param {string} n - name of cookie to set
 * @param {mixed} v - Any JS value. If not a string and JSON support present will be JSON encoded
 *                  {null} to delete
 * @param {object} o - optional list of cookie options to specify
 * @return {void}
set: function (n, v, o)
// sets cookie by the name of 'myCookie' to value of 'myValue' with default options
cookies.set('myCookie', 'myValue');

// sets cookie by the name of 'myCookie' to value of 'myValue' with path of '/somedir'
cookies.set('myCookie', 'myValue', {path: '/somedir'});

Get cookies


 * get - get one, several, or all cookies
 * @access public
 * @static
 * @param {mixed} n {string} name of single cookie
 *                  {array} list of multiple cookie names
 *                  {void} if you want all cookies
 * @return {mixed} type/value of cookie as set
 *                 {null} if only one cookie is requested and is not found
 *                 {object} hash of multiple or all cookies (if multiple or all requested)
get: function (n)
// returns value of myCookie if it is present, null if not
var my_cookie = cookies.get('myCookie');

// returns object in key/value form of each requested cookie if it is present, null if not
var some_cookies = cookies.get(['myCookie', 'myOtherCookie']);

// returns object in key/value form of all available cookies from your site
var all_cookies = cookies.get();

Get filtered list of Cookies


 * filter - get hash of cookies whose names match the provided RegExp
 * @access public
 * @static
 * @param {RegExp} p The regular expression pattern to match against cookie names
 * @return {object} hash of cookies whose names match the RegExp
filter: function (p)
// returns object in key/value form of cookies whose names start with "site"
var filtered_cookies = cookies.filter(/^site/);

Delete Cookies

note: A cookie can only be deleted using the same options with which it was set


 * del - delete a cookie (domain and path options must match those with which the cookie was set; this is really an alias for set() with parameters simplified for this use)
 * @access public
 * @static
 * @param {mixed} n {string} name of cookie to delete
 *                  {boolean} true to delete all
 * @param {object} o optional list of cookie options to specify (path, domain)
 * @return {void}
del: function (n, o)
// deletes a cookie, 'myCookie', with default options

// deletes a cookie by the name of 'myCookie' which had been set with a path of '/somedir'
cookies.del('myCookie', {path: '/somedir'});

// deletes all cookies