
Take your experience to the next level. Janda Guide to the NSFW world of reddit.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import janda from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/janda';



Janda - Guide to the NSFW world of Reddit.

easy, feature rich, wholesome
Generate your 🍑 stuffs into the next level


Janda has aggregator with the dedicated subreddits.
This wrapper exist as a directory of all IRL(In real life) NSFW-related subreddit.

See also Hentai version cabul wrapper

Getting started

# npm
npm i janda

# yarn
yarn add janda


All functions return Promise()

const { Client } = require('janda');
const reddit = new Client();

reddit.blonde().then((res) => console.log(res.data));

Mix 'em all

Useful enough to mix them if your implementation based on Telegram or Discord bot/webhook.

const { Client } = require('janda');
const reddit = new Client();

async function mix() {
    const list = [
        reddit.milf() // and your more subreddit going below
    const random = list[Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length)];
    let rlist = await random;

mix().catch((err) => console.log(err.message));

Useful keys:

  • res.data all data
  • res.data.url_overridden_by_dest Actionable image/videos/gifs
  • res.data.permalink Actionable links
  • res.data.title Title post
  • res.data.subreddit_name_prefixed name of the Subreddit. eg: /r/blonde
  • res.data.score number of Score
  • res.data.subreddit_subscribers number of Subscribers
  • res.data.num_comments number of Comment in a post related
  • res.data.ups number of Upvotes
  • res.data.downs number of Downvotes
  • Other key check the rest in the data

Example Returns of res.data:

  approved_at_utc: null,
  subreddit: 'Blonde',
  selftext: '',
  author_fullname: 't2_6l6l1e31',
  saved: false,
  mod_reason_title: null,
  gilded: 0,
  clicked: false,
  title: 'And this is why it takes me forever to get ready � hope you don’t mind',
  link_flair_richtext: [],
  subreddit_name_prefixed: 'r/Blonde',
  hidden: false,
  pwls: 0,
  link_flair_css_class: null,
  downs: 0,
  thumbnail_height: 140,
  top_awarded_type: null,
  hide_score: false,
  name: 't3_ohihjb',
  quarantine: false,
  link_flair_text_color: 'dark',
  upvote_ratio: 1,
  author_flair_background_color: null,
  subreddit_type: 'public',
  ups: 10,
  total_awards_received: 0,
  media_embed: {},
  thumbnail_width: 140,
  author_flair_template_id: null,
  is_original_content: false,
  user_reports: [],
  secure_media: null,
  is_reddit_media_domain: true,
  is_meta: false,
  category: null,
  secure_media_embed: {},
  link_flair_text: null,
  can_mod_post: false,
  score: 10,
  approved_by: null,
  is_created_from_ads_ui: false,
  author_premium: true,
  thumbnail: 'https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/kgMOgUyIbe-ra-4Cn37TwG6blFc-tIPU_3LuNBv6YJE.jpg',
  edited: false,
  author_flair_css_class: null,
  author_flair_richtext: [],
  gildings: {},
  post_hint: 'image',
  content_categories: null,
  is_self: false,
  mod_note: null,
  created: 1625922858,
  link_flair_type: 'text',
  wls: 0,
  removed_by_category: null,
  banned_by: null,
  author_flair_type: 'text',
  domain: 'i.redd.it',
  allow_live_comments: false,
  selftext_html: null,
  likes: null,
  suggested_sort: null,
  banned_at_utc: null,
  url_overridden_by_dest: 'https://i.redd.it/6j3b2twwxda71.jpg',
  view_count: null,
  archived: false,
  no_follow: false,
  is_crosspostable: false,
  pinned: false,
  over_18: true,
  preview: { images: [ [Object] ], enabled: true },
  all_awardings: [],
  awarders: [],
  media_only: false,
  can_gild: false,
  spoiler: false,
  locked: false,
  author_flair_text: null,
  treatment_tags: [],
  visited: false,
  removed_by: null,
  num_reports: null,
  distinguished: null,
  subreddit_id: 't5_2quoi',
  mod_reason_by: null,
  removal_reason: null,
  link_flair_background_color: '',
  id: 'ohihjb',
  is_robot_indexable: true,
  report_reasons: null,
  author: 'funkobabe20',
  discussion_type: null,
  num_comments: 0,
  send_replies: true,
  whitelist_status: 'no_ads',
  contest_mode: false,
  mod_reports: [],
  author_patreon_flair: false,
  author_flair_text_color: null,
  permalink: '/r/Blonde/comments/ohihjb/and_this_is_why_it_takes_me_forever_to_get_ready/',
  parent_whitelist_status: 'no_ads',
  stickied: false,
  url: 'https://i.redd.it/6j3b2twwxda71.jpg',
  subreddit_subscribers: 262243,
  created_utc: 1625922858,
  num_crossposts: 0,
  media: null,
  is_video: false


Soon, See all available endpoints in the source code instead.
I also suggest you to make your own handler for each functions, probably some items are return to null or 'banned', sometime relatedsub (sub-reddits) has been permanently, temporarily Banned, or private member only so just do it.


jv_ID/Randa|Janda/ — Sweet-Mature-Widow-Nakal-Wild-Tomoe_gozen. (ꦫꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦢꦺꦴ)


For changes, see CHANGELOG.md.


This tool can be freely copied, modified, altered, distributed without any attribution whatsoever. However, if you feel like this tool deserves an attribution, mention it. It won't hurt anybody :)

Please, read the license terms. Don't worry, it can be read in less than 30 seconds, unless you have some sort of reading disability - in that case, I'm wondering why you're still reading this text. Really. Stop. Please. I mean, seriously. Why are you still reading?


Since this tool includes some contributions, and I'm not an asshole, I'll publically thank the following users for their help: