
Component Library for the JE Marketing Team

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jeMarketingComponents from '';



Creating components

Once you have made a component, you need to export it from the index.js file in the root of the componenet folder, update the version in the package.json and then run:

$ npm run build-bundle
$ yarn build-bundle

Build a local copy of the component on your machine by running the following in the root of this project:

$ yalc publish

Then add it to the project repo by running:

$ yalc add je-marketing-components@x.x.xx

Onece you are happy with the way they work in your project, you can publish them to the je-marketing-team NPM using:

$ npm publish --access public
$ yarn publish

Components usage

Install the package using:

npm install --save je-marketing-components
yarn add je-marketing-components

Then in your main.js, or a similar entry point, just import your library using:

import 'je-marketing-components';