
Easily compartmentalize your JavaScript application into components. Track, stop, and delete anything initialized into them, including promise chains, requests, listeners, views, DOM and CSS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jfactoryEs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jfactory-es';



jFactory is a free JavaScript library that allows you to easily compartmentalize your application into components. Thus, everything they initialize can be tracked, stopped and removed automatically.

Simply call myComponent.$uninstall() to automatically interrupt and uninstall the Views, DOM, CSS, promise, requests, timers, and event listeners. Then call $install() to reload your component.


jFactory components are able to:

  • operate like a service (install, enable, disable, uninstall)
  • automatically switch off subscribed views, dom, css, promise, requests, timers, and event listeners.
  • automatically prevent all expired asynchronous calls (promise subtrees, event handlers...)
  • automatically ensure that all the promise chains are completed at service state change
  • keep track in DevTools of all running subscriptions (listeners, timers, requests, promises, dom, css...)
  • improve the Promise chains (Awaitable, Completable, Cancelable and Expirable)
  • easily create/load CSS & DOM and clone from <template>

Supported libraries

jFactory supports Vue.js and React, allowing components to automatically uninstall and reinstall their views.

See Playground.


In a nutshell, jFactory provides methods to register listeners, views, dom, css, requests and asynchronous tasks that will be automatically stopped (including subpromise trees) and removed at opposite service state change (install/uninstall, enable/disable).

Components can be created from any Class, or by using a simple Object Literal through the shortcut jFactory():

let component = jFactory("myComponent", {
  onInstall() {
    this.$domFetch("#myDiv", "asset.html", "#parent").then(() => this.$log("html loaded"));

  onEnable() {
    this.$interval("myUpdater", 250, () =>
      this.$fetchJSON("myRequest", "asset.json").then(() => this.$log("updated"))

  // ... your own methods and properties

await component.$install(); 
await component.$enable();
await component.$disable(); 
await component.$uninstall();  

CodePen / Starter Kit

Is that complicated?

jFactory is an easy-to-learn library based on jQuery. Unlike a framework, it does not impose an application architecture: you are free to use only what you want without restriction.

All the methods are listed here.


  • Registry: all component subscriptions (listeners, promises, timers, fetch, dom...) are explorable in a registry, allowing quick visual inspections in DevTools.

  • Tasks: asynchronous processes can be registered as expirable tasks that block the current Service State Change, guaranteeing that everything is resolved before completing it, including all subpromises.

  • Remove Phase: jFactory will automatically stop and remove the subscriptions (listeners, promises, timers, fetch, dom...) registered during an opposite state change (install/uninstall, enable/disable)

  • Promise Chains: jFactory uses extended native Promises that makes the whole Chain Awaitable, Completable, Cancelable and Expirable.

  • Traits: Components are Objects created from Classes dynamically extended by JFactoryTraits.

  • Debug: jFactory is designed for asynchronous component-based application development, using contextual loggers and subloggers, filterable source-mapped stack traces, identifiers, loggable extended errors, explorable promise chains, ...


jFactory is designed from ES6 Classes:

  • Extended Promise
    • Expirable, awaitable, explorable Promise Chain
    • Status properties
  • Composite Functions
    • Wrappable / Conditional / Expirable Functions
  • Awaitable asynchronous observers
  • Traits, for dynamic mixins with configurable parser
  • Loggers, with identified and formatted console logs and inherited switches
  • Errors, with explorable data
  • Stack traces, filterable and source mapped


  • Does not modify JavaScript prototypes
  • Injected methods and properties are prefixed to avoid conflicts
  • Most names are prefixed by affiliation for easier code completion
  • All registrations must be named, to reinforce debugging
  • Most of the library is overridable (no inaccessible private function)
  • Designed for debugging and inspections
Modular JavaScript
  • Written in ES6+ Modules with Class optimized for Tree Shaking
  • Highly configurable, overridable and dynamically patchable
  • Interoperable. Framework-agnostic. No transpiler.
  • Provides a "Developer Build" for additional validations and debugging properties


GitHub version npm version Tests

  • Supports Vue.js
  • Supports Promises, Listeners, Timers, Mutations, DOM, CSS
  • Dependencies: jQuery, Lodash

How to Contribute

jFactory is an Open Source project. Your comments, bug reports and code proposals are always welcome. This project is new and you can help a lot by spreading the word. Also consider adding a github star, as it seems very important for its visibility at this stage. Thank you for your contributions!