
JSON file loader or JSON pass through.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jfig';



JSON file loader or JSON pass through.

I needed a way to not have to know if the data passed into the function was a file path or an object. If it is a filename, this module tries to load the file. If it is an object, it just returns the object.


npm install jfig --save


File path

var jfig = require('jfig');

var something = __dirname + '/config.json';
var config = jfig(something);

Object pass through

var jfig = require('jfig');

var something = {
  type: 'object'
var config = jfig(something);


jsfig(data[, options])

  • data - file path or object to parse
  • options
    • root - the root path if a file path is provided
    • pluck - a string or array of keys to plucks the values out of the config file or object

Run Test

npm install
npm test