
jimdo template grunt workflow

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jimdoTemplateflow from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jimdo-templateflow';


jimdo templateflow Build Status

grunt flow for jimdo templates


The idea is to create an ability to use the same grunt flow over all jimdo templates, to save up time and make it easier to develop the flow.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~1.0.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install jimdo-templateflow --save-dev

Once the package has been installed, add the following line to your Gruntfile:

module.exports = require('jimdo-templateflow')

That's it, now you can use the provided tasks :)

Grunt Tasks

Available grunt tasks provided by the templateflow. Note: The templateflow will not provide any default task, so you have to call the tasks directly.


grunt serve

Compiles sass and starts a local server for developing. Watch und livereload is also included.


grunt compile

Compiles and lints the sass files into css.


grunt build

Creates deploy-ready css files, so it will be autoprefixed and minified.


grunt release

Releases a version (patch as default) to the Design API. The publish process is at the moment not public and usable for everyone. Usage examples for bumping: https://github.com/vojtajina/grunt-bump#usage-examples


grunt prerelease

Releases a prereleased version to the Design API. The publish process is at the moment not public and usable for everyone. Usage examples for bumping: https://github.com/vojtajina/grunt-bump#usage-examples


The package provides many defaults, but you can overwrite them in the template. Create in your root directory a template.yml file and use the following options.

# example for a template.yml

# directories
imgDir: 'img'

# css
cssExt: '.min.css'


optional Type: String | Default: ./

Set base directory for local server.


optional Type: String | Default: sass

Set the directory for sass.


optional Type: String | Default: css

Set the directory for compiled css.


optional Type: String | Default: ``

Set the directory for images.


optional Type: String | Default: bower_components

Set the directory to the bower components for sass compiling.


optional Type: String | Default: .css

Set the extension for compiled css files, for example: .min.css


optional Type: Integer | Default: 8080

Set the port for local server.


optional Type: String | Default: localhost

Set hostname for local server.


optional Type: Number|Boolean | Default: true

Set port for livereload or disable functionality.


optional Type: Integer | no default

Set the Design ID for API. Further informations here: https://github.com/Jimdo/grunt-template-publisher


optional Type: String | Default: undefined

Set the endpoint for publishing. Further informations here: https://github.com/Jimdo/grunt-template-publisher


optional Type: Boolean | Default: true

Ability to switch off sass compiling (eg. for css-only templates)


For some options it could be very helpful to use this direct in the environment, therefore the templateflow provides some options.


Set the port for local server.


Set port for livereload or disable functionality.


Set the endpoint for publishing (for example for local tests).

CSS linter

The templateflow provides defaults for the css linter. Take a look to the file config/csslintDefault.js for more details about it. You could also override every option in your template. Create a .csslintrc in your root directory and add your properties, for example:

  "important": true

The default properties and the template based properties will be merged, so you don't have to override every option.

Custom grunt config

It's also possible to create template-based configs and tasks. It could look in a way like this:

module.exports = function (grunt) {

    blubb: {
      option: {
        cool: true

  grunt.registerTask('default', ['serve'])

Note:: Write first your init config and then the requirement to the templateflow, otherwise the config for the templateflow is missing.


Contributions are always welcome! Take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. We're using jasmine for unit testing. Install jasmine global on your machine (npm install -g jasmine) and run npm test.