
This is a library for displaying flash message on angular component template

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jjwinsAngular12FlashMessage from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jjwins-angular-12-flash-message';



  • NPM - node package manager
  • Bootstrap v5.x
  • Compatible with major versions of angular


  • npm install jjwins-angular-12-flash-message


Import FlashMessageModule from jjwins-angular-12-flash-message in your app.module.ts file and add FlashMessageModule to the imports array

import { FlashMessageModule } from 'jjwins-angular-12-flash-message';

imports: [ 


To use the FlashMessageModule in your app, only required step is to add <jjwins-flash-message></jjwins-flash-message> tag to your component html file

app.component.html <jjwins-flash-message></jjwins-flash-message>

To add flash message and styling use property binding

  • jjwins-angular-12-flash-message has a message property which can be attached to the html tag <jjwins-flash-message></jjwins-flash-message> [message] is a required property

    • add [message] property to the <jjwins-flash-message></jjwins-flash-message> html tag and the property takes any property value from your component.ts file

      • eg:


      export class AppComponent { 
      flashMessage = "Message you want to add"

      app.component.html <jjwins-flash-message [message]="flashMessage" ></jjwins-flash-message>

    • To add styles you only have to make alert flags true, there are alert flags corresponding to the bootstrap alert classes.

      • eg: the flag corresponding to bootstrap class alert-warning is [alertWarning] providing true to [alertWarning] will apply alert-warning bootstrap style
    • Available flags are [alertPrimary], [alertSecondry], [alertSuccess], [alertDanger], [alertWarning], [alertInfo], [alertLight], [alertDark]

    • Usage of flag

    app.component.html <jjwins-flash-message [message]="flashMessage" [alertWarning]="true ><?jjwins-flash-message>

    • For in-built custom styling use property [cssClass] and pass one of these values (flash-message, flash-error, flash-warning, flash-success) from your component.ts

    Optional properties

    • Flash message can set to disappear after a period of time by setting the proprty [timeout] to any value of milliseconds

      • eg: <jjwins-flash-message [timeOut]="2000" [message]="flashMessage" [alertWarning]="true"><?jjwins-flash-message> the flash message will disappear after 2 seconds.

      Note: If the [timeOut] property is not set the flash message will have a close button to close the flashed message

    • Background graying out can be set by setting the property [grayOut] to true - eg: <jjwins-flash-message [grayOut]="true" [message]="flashMessage" [alertWarning]="true ><?jjwins-flash-message>