
A utility to validate complex objects using schemas

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jkSchema from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jk-schema';


This package has been moved to @jalik/schema.


This package allows you to validate complex objects using schemas.


A schema is a definition of all characteristics of an object. For example, a person has a first name, age, gender and so on... some information are required while others are optional. With a schema you can tell how your object must be defined. And when your schema is created you can then validate any data against it to check if the data is valid or not.

This library is well tested with more than 120+ unit tests.

Schema field properties

You can use any of the given properties to define a field.

import {Schema} from "jk-schema/dist/schema";

const ExampleSchema = new Schema({

    // ALLOWED
    allowed: {
        type: String,
        // force binary values
    // accept a function that is called after all native validations
    check: {
        type: Number,
        // cehck that number is even
        check(value) { return value % 2 === 0; }
    // accept a function that is called on each 
    clean: {
        type: String,
        clean(value) {
            return value.trim().toLowerCase();
    defaultField: {
      type: Number,
      defaultValue: 1337  
    // DENIED
    denied: {
        type: Number,
        // will throw an error if these values are present
        denied: [0, 1]
    // LABEL
    // used in errors for a more human description
    labelled: {
        type: String,
        label: "Labelled field"

    // LENGTH
    arrayLength: {
        type: [Number],
        // array must contain exactly two values
        length: 2
    fixedLength: {
        type: String,
        // length must be exactly 10
        length: 10
    maxLength: {
        type: String,
        // max length is 10, min length is 0
        length: [0, 10]
    minLength: {
        type: String,
        // min length is 2, there is no max length
        length: [2]

    // MAX
    maxDate: {
        type: Date,
        max: new Date(Date.now() + 3600*1000)
    maxNumber: {
        type: Number,
        // max value is 10
        max: 10
    // MAX WORDS
    maxWords: {
        type: String,
        // there must have 50 words max
        maxWords: 50

    // MIN
    minDate: {
        type: Date,
        // min value is now minus 10 hours
        min: new Date(Date.now() - 3600*1000)
    minNumber: {
        type: Number,
        // min value is 0
        min: 0
    // MIN WORDS
    minWords: {
        type: String,
        // there must have 5 words minimum
        minWords: 5

    nullable: {
        type: String,
        // field cannot be null
        nullable: false
    notNullable: {
        type: String,
        // field can be null
        nullable: true
    // execute the prepare function on field value
    // before clean and check execution.
    // It can be useful in some case
    // where clean cannot be used to do what you want.
    orderedNumbers: {
        type: [Number],
        prepare(numbers) {
            // sort numbers
            return numbers.sort();
    // REGEX
    regEx: {
        type: String,
         // force time format "00:00"

    optional: {
        type: String,
        required: false
    required: {
        type: String,
        required: true

    // TYPE
    boolean: {
        type: Boolean
    booleanArray: {
        type: [Boolean]
    float: {
        type: Number,
        decimal: true
    // note: we don't have float array yet
    integer: {
        type: Number,
        decimal: false
    // note: we don't have integer array yet
    number: {
        type: Number
    numberArray: {
        type: [Number]
    string: {
        type: String
    stringArray: {
        type: [String]

Dynamic field properties

Almost all properties (excepted type) accept a function instead of the usual value, it is useful to return a constraint based on some conditions when the field is actually validated. The given function is called with a single argument representing the current context (data) being validated by the schema.

import {Schema} from "jk-schema/dist/schema";

const isPublishing = function(context) {
    // context refers to the data being validated
    return context.status === "published";

const PostSchema = new Schema({
    title: {
        type: String,
        nullable: false,
        required: isPublishing
    text: {
        type: String,
        nullable: false,
        required: isPublishing
    status: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        allowed: ["published", "draft"]

// So this is valid
    title: "Hello World",
    text: "This is a hello world post !",
    status: "published"

// And this is valid too..
    status: "draft"

// But this is not valid !
    title: "Hello World",
    text: null,
    status: "published"

Creating a schema

To create a schema, use the Schema class.

import RegEx from "jk-schema/dist/regex";
import {Schema} from "jk-schema/dist/schema";

const PersonSchema = new Schema({
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        length: [3, 30] // min 3, max 30
    presentation: {
        type: String,
        required: false,
        length: [0, 500],
        minWords: 10
    email: {
        type :String,
        regEx: RegEx.Email,
        required: false
    birthday: {
        type: Date,
        required: false,
        nullable: true,
        max() {
            const YEARS_18 = 18*365*24*60*60*1000;
            return new Date(Date.now() - YEARS_18);

Extending a schema (inheritance)

The extend operation creates a new schema based on the current one.

import {Schema} from "jk-schema/dist/schema";

const PersonSchema = new Schema({
    age: {type: Number},
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true

const ParentSchema = PersonSchema.extend({
    children: {
        type: [PersonSchema],
        required: true,
        length: [0] // min = 0, no max

Cloning a schema

import {Schema} from "jk-schema/dist/schema";

const PersonSchema = new Schema({
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true

const ClonedSchema = PersonSchema.clone();

Updating a schema

The update creates fields that do not exist, but only modifies existing properties of fields, so you can keep properties that have already been defined.

import {Schema} from "jk-schema/dist/schema";

const PersonSchema = new Schema({
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true

// This only changes specified fields
// and creates new one.
        required: false
        type: Number,
        required: false

Validating data using a schema

To validate data using a schema, use the method schema.validate(obj). If the validation fails, it will throw a SchemaError containing information about the error.

import RegEx from "jk-schema/dist/regex";
import {Schema} from "jk-schema/dist/schema";

const AddressSchema = new Schema({
    city: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        length: [1, 30]
    country: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        allowed: ["PF", "FR", "US", "CA"]

const PhoneSchema = new Schema({
    number: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        regEx: /^[0-9 -.]+$/

const PersonSchema = new Schema({
    birthday: {
        type: Date,
        required: false,
        nullable: true,
        max: function() {
            const YEARS_18 = 18*365*24*60*60*1000;
            return new Date(Date.now() - YEARS_18);
    email: {
        type :String,
        regEx: RegEx.Email,
        required: false
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        length: [3, 30] // min 3, max 30
    phones: {
        type: [PhoneSchema],
        required: false
    postalAddress: {
        // Inherit from AddressSchema
        type: AddressSchema.extend({
            postalCode: {
                type: Number,
                required: false
        required: true
    presentation: {
        type: String,
        required: false,
        length: [0, 500],
        minWords: 10

try {
    // This won't throw any error because data is valid
        name: 'karl',
        birthday: null,
        email: 'karl@mail.com',
        postalAddress: {
            city: "Papeete",
            country: "PF"
    // This will throw an error because date is not valid
        email: 'karl@mail.com',
        birthday: '1999-12-20',
        postalAddress: {
            city: "Papeete",
            country: "PF"
catch (err) {
    // err is an instance of SchemaError



  • Makes type field option optional


  • Adds method SchemaField.getPrepareFunction()
  • Adds field option prepare to execute a function on the field value before clean and check functions
  • Adds unit tests for prepare field option


  • Adds method SchemaField.getName()
  • Adds method SchemaField.throwFieldNullError()
  • Adds unit tests for defaultValue option
  • Uses return value of SchemaField.validate() to modify field value
  • Uses empty array [] as default value for Array fields defined as required and non-null
  • Throws missing field error only when a required field is undefined (does not depend on nullable option anymore)


  • Fixes main file exports
  • Fixes documentation for importing classes and methods


  • Explodes classes in multiple files (see doc to import classes and methods)
  • Adds method Schema.removeUnknownFields(obj)
  • Adds method SchemaField.getAllowedValues()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getCheckFunction()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getCleanFunction()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getDefaultValue()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getDeniedValues()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getLabel()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getLength()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getMaxValue()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getMaxWords()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getMinValue()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getMinWords()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getProperties()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getRegEx()
  • Adds method SchemaField.getType()
  • Adds method SchemaField.isDecimal()
  • Adds method SchemaField.isNullable()
  • Adds method SchemaField.isRequired()
  • Adds field option defaultValue to set default value, works only if field is required but has its value undefined
  • Renames method SchemaField.dynamicValue() to SchemaField.computeValue()
  • The method SchemaField.validate() now returns the processed value (ex: default value or cleaned value)
  • Updates documentation


  • Updates documentation


  • Fixes Unknown property "field.name" when assigning a name to a field


  • Allows to pass function for decimal, label, nullable and required field properties
  • Changes error messages


  • Adds value as first argument of check(value) field property


  • Fixes nullable and required field options


  • Adds class SchemaField
  • Adds method Schema.addField(name, props)
  • Adds method Schema.clone()
  • Adds method Schema.update(fields)
  • Moves Schema.cleanField() to SchemaField.clean()
  • Moves Schema.dynamicValue() to SchemaField.dynamicValue()
  • Moves Schema.validateField() to SchemaField.validate()


  • Adds resolveField(name) method


  • Adds getField(name) method
  • Adds unit tests to check length field option
  • Uses field name as first parameter of validateField(name, value) method instead of field properties


  • Removes warning Unknown property "${field}.label"


  • Changes schema.extend(fields) signature, uses fields instead of parent schema


  • Adds schema.extend(fields) to create a schema based on an existing one
  • Adds schema.getFields() to return schema fields
  • Adds schema.isValid(obj, options) to validate an object without throwing an error
  • Adds nullable field option to allow a field to be null
  • Adds ignoreMissing option to Schema.validate() to ignore missing fields (useful for updates)


  • First public release


The code is released under the MIT License.

If you find this lib useful and would like to support my work, donations are welcome :)
