
j00sko's flattener for solidity contracts.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jooskosFlattener from '';


jO-Osko's flattener

Flattens your solidity files into a single file needed for verification on blocksout or testing on remix.


  • Supports flattening of files with cyclical dependencies.
  • In a cyclical dependency situation, contents are inlinded in the order of inheritance so that compiler can resolve the dependencies.
  • Import from remote providers is supported (currently only github and gitlab).
  • Supports imports from node_modules folder (import @openzeppelin etc.).
  • Fast and efficient inlining (sub second invocation).


Once you install the package invoke it with yarn jooskos_flattener <path/to/input_file.sol>. The flattened output will be written to stdout. Flattener automatically looks for node_modules in the current and parent directory to be used for @ imports. Available options:

  • -o <path/to/output_file.sol>: write the flattened output to the specified file (default: stdout)
  • --node-modules <path/to/node_modules>: specify the node_modules directory to be used for @ imports (default: current directory or parent directory if they contain node_modules) folder
  • --contract-libs <lib1>,<lib2>,<lib3>: Comma seperated list of @ imports to be searched in node_modules (default: @openzeppelin,


  • More support for inline assembly
  • Support for unchecked in solidity 0.8.+
  • Better documentation and error reporting.
  • More autmatic configurations.


Any contributions are welcome (PR, Issues, documentation, comments).


This work builds greatly on ocaml solidity developed by ocamlpro and modified a bit.

AFLabs and Flare foundation for testing and bug reporting.
