
Misc math extensions for Bolt

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jpKeijiroBoltKlakBase from '';



BoltKlak is an extension for Unity's Bolt visual scripting system that provides miscellaneous math functions useful for creating procedural behaviors.

At the moment, it provides the following units:

  • XXHash (deterministic random number generator)
  • ExpTween/CdsTween (generic interpolator)
  • Noise Source (fractional Brownian motion)
  • On Keyboard Input (keyboard input with the new Input System)




XXHash is a lightweight non-cryptographic hash function with which you can generate pseudo-random number sequences in a deterministic manner.

The XXHash unit generates a random number based on the two inputs -- Seed and Data. In our use case, Data simply works as a secondary random seed.

There are variants for different output types:

  • XXHashInt
  • XXHashFloat
  • XXHashVector3
  • XXHashDirection (uniformly distributed random points on a unit sphere)
  • XXHashRotation (quaternion representing a random rotation)




The ExpTween unit implements an exponential interpolation function that is useful for creating ease-out animation.

A unique thing about ExpTween is that it doesn't require a control-flow connection. It's a stateless function, so that it works only with value connections.

There are variants for different types: ExpTweenFloat, ExpTweenVector3, and ExpTweenQuaternion.




The CdsTween unit implements a critically damped spring smoothing function that is useful for creating smooth ease-in/out animation.

There are variants for different types: CdsTweenFloat, CdsTweenVector3, and CdsTweenQuaternion.




The NoiseSource unit implements a fractional Brownian motion (fBm) using a simplex noise function. It's useful to create natural wavy motion or undulation/vibration.

There are variants for different output types: NoiseSourceFloat, NoiseSourceVector3, NoiseSourceQuaternion.



The OnKeyboardInput unit is a simple replacement of the standard OnKeyboardInput unit but with the new Input System.

How to try the sample project

This repository doesn't contain the Bolt assets due to the license restriction. You have to import Bolt via Asset Store manually.

You can't use the "Install Bolt" tool due to compilation errors caused by missing file references. You have to manually double-click the Bolt_1_4_X_NET4.unitypackage file in the "Install Bolt" directory instead.


After importing the unitypackage file, it automatically opens the Bolt Setup Wizard.


On the Assembly Options page, add Bolt.Addons.Klak.Base.Runtime to the assembly list.

assembly options

How to install the add-on to an existing project

Installing the package via Package Manager

This package uses the scoped registry feature to resolve package dependencies. Please add the following sections to the manifest file (Packages/manifest.json).

To the scopedRegistries section:

  "name": "Keijiro",
  "url": "",
  "scopes": [ "jp.keijiro" ]

To the dependencies section:

"jp.keijiro.bolt.klak.base": "1.0.1"

After changes, the manifest file should look like below:

  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "Keijiro",
      "url": "",
      "scopes": [ "jp.keijiro" ]
  "dependencies": {
    "jp.keijiro.bolt.klak.base": "1.0.1",

Adding the add-on assembly

Navigate to "Tools" > "Bolt" > "Unit Options Wizard".

assembly options

Add Bolt.Addons.Klak.Base.Runtime to the assembly list. Then press "Next" and "Generate."