
A jQuery plugin to make a PopUpBox easier.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jpub from '';



A jQuery plugin to make a PopUpBox easier.

npm version">

view at GitHub


  • not finished yet,just "can use".
  • I will not change the API as far as possibly.
  • Not support UC mobile browser !(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

DEMO (More demo coming soon..)

Function List

id name description
1 $(Selecoter).jShow() the target PopUpBox has been in the html
2 $.jCreateForm() create automatically generated PopUpBox


1、 $(Selecoter).jShow();

the target PopUpBox has been in the html




id name description default value require id
1 isScroll - false true/false -
2 close_mode 1-you can click the background div to hide
2-you can't click the background and specify a html tag to hide
1 1/2 -
3 animate_in animate-in-direction:
3 1/2/3/4 -
4 animate_out animate-out-direction:
0 0/1/2/3/4 -
5 ok_btn the attribute name of the "ok" button .jpub-btn-ok '.btn_1'/'#btn_1' -
6 cancel_btn the attribute name of the "cancel" button .jpub-btn-cancel '.btn_2'/'#btn_2' -
7 ok_func the onclick function of the "ok" button funcs.testFunc(an "alert" function) type of function 5
8 ok_func_param the parameter of ok_func undefined Any 6
9 show_pre_func the function run before the div show undefined obj.func/funcName()/function(){alert()} -
10 show_after_func the function run after the div show undefined obj.func/funcName()/function(){alert()} -
11 hide_pre_param the function run before the div hide undefined obj.func/funcName()/function(){alert()} -
12 hide_after_func the function run after the div hide undefined obj.func/funcName()/function(){alert()} -
13 show_pre_param the parameter of show_pre_func undefined Any 9
14 show_after_param the parameter of show_after_func undefined Any 10
15 hide_pre_param the parameter of hide_pre_param undefined Any 11
16 hide_after_param the parameter of hide_after_func undefined Any 12
17 bg background div true true/false -
18 bg_color background div color 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)' 'rgba(x,x,x,x)' -
19 close_tag the specified html tag to hide undefined '#demo'/'.example'/... 2
20 ** box_padding_top ** the distance from the WINDOS's top '30%' '20%'/'20px'/... -

2、 $.jCreateForm().jShow();(TODO:More Themes)

create automatically generated PopUpBox



id name description default value require id
1 tag_id the PopUpBox's tag id you want name jpub_auto_form - -
2 parent_tag the parent tag you want to append 'body' '#demo'/'.class:eq(x)' -
3 head_text the head text of the box 'Notice' Any word -
4 ok_text the text of the "ok" button 'Ok' Any word -
5 cancel_text the text of the "cancel" button 'Cancel' Any word -
6 content the Information you want to show in the PopUpBox 'Information you want to show' Any Html tag -