
Simple, modern Lightbox-like plugin for jQuery

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jqueryVanillabox from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jquery-vanillabox';


Vanillabox Build Status


Vanillabox is a simple, modern Lightbox-like plugin for jQuery. You can easily setup your image gallery with this plugin.

See the official page for more information.

Why Vanillabox?

  • Simple design, no decoration. It focuses your content.
  • Suitable for modern browsers that include mobile ones. It works nicely whether or not to zoom a page.
  • Free for commercial use. It's licenced under the MIT License.

System Requirements

  • jQuery 1.7+
  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 9+, iOS 6+ (Safari), Android 4.1.2+ (AOSP, Chrome)

How to Build Your Own Vanillabox

If you just want to use Vanillabox, get a compressed file from the official page. You may not need to perform the following steps.

First, these commands are required to setup a development environment:

Install required npm packages:

npm install -g gulp

Next, clone the repository and get source files:

git clone https://github.com/cocopon/vanillabox

Then move into the project directory, and run npm to install required npm packages:

cd path/to/vanillabox
npm install

All done! Now you can use gulp tasks for development.

gulp build

Common Gulp Tasks

Command Description
gulp test Runs unit tests
gulp js Generates an uncompressed JS file
gulp sass:theme Translates theme SCSS files into CSS files
gulp js:dist Compiles JS files
gulp dist Generates a package archive