
NodeJS Implementation of Decision Tree using ID3 Algorithm. Base decision tree based on this github repo.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsDecisiontree from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-decisiontree';



NodeJS Implementation of Decision Tree using ID3 Algorithm. Base decision tree based on this github repo.

Build Status


  • Simple APIs
  • Debug mode
  • Inbuilt persist model capability
  • Highly configurable
  • Trained model can be imported/exported easily


Dillinger requires Node.js v6+ to run.

$ npm install js-decisiontree --save

How to use

const { Tree } = require('js-decisiontree');
const trainingDataSet = [];
const config = {};
const DecisionTree = new Tree(config);
DecisionTree.train(trainingDataSet, config);

Configuration settings

Setting Description
className Class name or property which will be used as output of decision tree
features Features or data points to be used for training decision tree
persist If set, persists the trained model on local disk
learn If set, trains the model with data used for prediction
fixMissingFeatures If set, takes careof of missing features in training data
debug If set, logs the internal activity to terminal
load If set, loads previously stored model to local disk. This setting is only significant while intializing the tree


Setting Description
train Training the decision tree
predict Prediciting the results
toJSON Export the trained model as JSON
fromJSON Import an already trained JSON model exported using .toJSON() API


Refer examples for exhautive examples

const DecisionTree = new Tree();
const trainingDataSet = [
    {"color":"blue", "shape":"square", "liked":false},
    {"color":"red", "shape":"square", "liked":false},
    {"color":"blue", "shape":"circle", "liked":true},
    {"color":"red", "shape":"circle", "liked":true},
    {"color":"blue", "shape":"hexagon", "liked":false},
    {"color":"red", "shape":"hexagon", "liked":false},
    {"color":"yellow", "shape":"hexagon", "liked":true},
    {"color":"yellow", "shape":"circle", "liked":true}
const config = {
    className: 'liked',
    features: [ 'color', 'shape' ],
const sample = {"color":"blue", "shape":"hexagon", "liked":false }; 
DecisionTree.train(trainingDataSet, config);
const prediction = DecisionTree.predict(sample);
console.log("prediction:", prediction); // false



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