
Best Practices for Http Api Error Response Handling

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsHttpErrors from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-http-errors';



Best Practices for HTTP API Error Handling

  • support richer error message with custom 5-digit ErrorNumber

  • auto detect standard HTTP Status code

  • auto generate random request_id

  • JSON-API Response:

    responseData:{ <int:code>, <str:error> ,<str:request_id> }

    responseDataV2: { <obj:error> , <str:request_id> }


require nodejs > v7.6.0 for class extends support

npm install js-http-errors


  • @status :int:alias=status_code: HTTP返回状态码,默认值400
  • @message :str:alias=error_msg: 错误信息
  • @errno :int:alias=code: 错误码, 默认值为 40000
    • 建议使用 5 位数,其中前 3 位应设计等于 http status code 返回状态码
  • @trackError:object: 原始错误Error,默认值为 null

usage sample

const http_errors = require("js-http-errors");

// 0. support init Error by `new ApiError` || `ApiError.new` || `apiError` 
let e1 = new http_errors.ApiError(40100);
let e2 = new http_errors.ApiError(401);
let e3 = new http_errors.ApiError({errno:40102, message:"require re-login"});

// or 
let e4 = http_errors.ApiError.new(40100);
let e5 = http_errors.ApiError.new(401);
let e6 = http_errors.ApiError.new({errno:40102, message:"require re-login"});

// or
let e7 = http_errors.apiError(40100);
let e8 = http_errors.apiError(401);

// 1. json response data with random request_id
    code: 40100,
    error: 'User Require Login',
    request_id: 'X6822759T8242827'

    request_id: 'X6822759T5B7U3TR',
    error: {
        name: 'ApiError',
        errno: 40100,
        message: 'Unauthorized',
        trackError: null

// 2. suggest to use `apiError` or `apiError.new`, avoid to renew ApiError duplicated 
let e9 = http_errors.apiError({errno:40102, message:"require re-login"});
let e10 = http_errors.apiError(e9);     
// e9 === e10 , while e9 !== new http_errors.ApiError(e9)

// 3. throw Error immediately by `abort`
// equal to: `http_errors.abort(40100);`

let err = new Error("Local Error")
http_errors.abort(403, err);            
// equal to: `http_errors.abort({status:403, trackError:err});`