
A template for writing next awesome JavaScript library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsLibraryTemplate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-library-template';



A template for writing next awesome JavaScript library.


  • ESM-first approach with CommonJS transpiled code in output code for full compatibility
  • documentation generating with jsdoc with docdash template
  • unit tests with mocha & must.js
  • Keep-a-changelog CHANGELOG.md format as an example of good practice and reminder to write change logs
  • Rewire plugin for easy testing with mocks
  • Eslint integration with strict rules by default
  • Git hooks already applied so you don't forget about them
  • cli tool to init new library and to automatically upgrade it to if newer version of js-library-template is released
  • yarn-based development


The best way is to install this lib globally and just run:

  • jslib - to init empty library at current working directory
  • jslib path_to_directory - to init empty library at given path (can be absolute or relative)


  • hardcore .yarnclean rules to use in your projects - this will be probably moved to separate project you need to rename the file (remove .txt extension) to use it. It is very restrictive and will break almost any library by default. Use with care.

Future plans / todo

  • add good TypeScript support
