
Client-side video & image thumbnailing

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsThumb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-thumb';



Thumbnail all the things, client-side!


Live demo


var thumber = new jsthumb()
  //When taking a screenshot from a video, it's best to supply the original dimensions of the video
  , screenshotOpts = {
      origWidth: 400
    , origHeight: 400
  //When resizing, you have to specify a maxWidth and maxHeight, and the original dimensions are recommended but optional
  , resizingOpts = {
      origWidth: 400
    , origHeight: 400
    , maxWidth:200
    , maxHeight:200
  //All these methods return a Base64 encoded string
  , videoThumbnail = thumber.screenshot(document.getElementById("my_video_tag"), screenshotOpts)
  , imageThumbnail = thumber.resize(document.getElementById("my_image_tag"), resizingOpts);

//You can also directly resize Base64 encoded data, but you'll need to provide a callback for that
thumber.resizeData(imageData, opts, function(err, base64Data) {
  //Do something with base64Data

//To load thumbnails in the browser
var myImage = new Image();
myImage.src = videoThumbnail;

Or read the JSDoc if that floats your boat.