
Tool for identifying and reporting unused exports found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsUnusedExports from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-unused-exports';


Unused Exports

Tool for identifying and reporting unused exports found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.

You may think of it as ESLint no-unused-vars rule, but for the whole project scope.

Tool uses Babel parser to parse source code. You can provide custom parser options using config file.


npm install -g js-unused-exports


Usage: js-unused-exports [options]
 E.g.: js-unused-exports --config "unused-exports-config.json"

  -v, --version        output the version number
  -c, --config [path]  path to the JSON config file
  -o --out-dir [path]  path to print scan results as JSON
  -f, --fix            automatically remove "export" directive where possible
  -h, --help           output usage information



  // Root project directory or CWD (default)
  projectRoot: '',

  // Source paths relative to project root
  sourcePaths: ['src/**/*.js'],

  // Patterns for files that should be ignored
  ignorePaths: [],

  // Test file patterns
  testPaths: [

  // Import patterns to ignore
  ignoreImportPatterns: [ '(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|css|scss)


  // Export patterns to ignore
  ignoreExportPatterns: [ '(stories)' ],

  // If you use alias in you codebase you can specify them here, e.g.:
  aliases: {
    components: 'src/components'

  // @babel/parser options for parsing source code
  // https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-parser
  parserOptions: {
    sourceType: 'module',
    plugins: [