
Displays times in natural langauge

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsWrittenTime from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-written-time';



Takes a time of format HH:mm and turns it into language-specific natural language representation of clock time

getWrittenTime('1:10') => ten past one
getWrittenTime('1:15') => quarter past one
getWrittenTime('12:00') => midday
getWrittenTime('15:45') => quarter to four
getWrittenTime('15:50', { showDayPeriod: true }) => 'ten to four in the afternoon'
getWrittenTime('13:30', { language: 'de' }) => 'halb zwei'


All passed as second parameter, e.g. getWrittenTime('1:20', { language: 'de', });

prop default description
language 'en' The language in which to display the output.
isAtStartOfSentence false If true will format the output appropriately
showDayPeriod false If true will add information to 12 hour output (e.g. '12.50' => 'ten to one in the afternoon'