
A package to connect a Node.js / express.js backend with a JavaScript frontend via Websocket

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsWsUpdater from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-ws-updater';



A package to connect a Node.js / express.js backend with a JavaScript frontend via WebSockets.



npm install --save js-ws-updater

Backend usage

Put these lines just after initiating your express app:

const WSUpdater = require('js-ws-updater')
new WSUpdater({app, route: '/feed', modelListener, expressWs: require('express-ws')})

This installs a WebSocket listener on the route /feed and a model listener, which implements the following functions:

registerListener(listenerFunc) -> listenerId

The listenerFunc should be invoked on each change in the model with an object describing this change. This data is then sent by the js-ws-updater backend to the frontend which can update the view accordingly.

The WSUpdater constructor accepts some optional parameters:

  • viewListener - if set, this function is invoked every time the frontend sends a message via the WebSocket. If it is not set, incoming messages are simply ignored.
  • logger - if set, each incoming and outgoiing message is logged to the specified logger with log level info, else the console is used. If log level 'debug` is set, the message content is logged as well.

Frontend usage

The frontend should load the UpdateListener.js script. This could be done by a module loader of your choice like common.js:

var UpdateListener = require('UpdateListener')

Or, alternatively in AMD format with require.js:

define(['UpdateListener'], function (UpdateListener) {

It is also possible to load it directly with a <script> tag from GitHub.

<script src="https://github.com/jschirrmacher/js-ws-updater/blob/master/UpdateListener.js"></script>

In all these cases, you need to instantiate it like this:

new UpdateListener({location, route, interpreter, timer, WebSocket})

With the following components:

  • location - a Location object like window.location,
  • route - a string containing the URI to call on the current server. This should correspond to the route paraeter of the backend.
  • interpreter - an object having a notify() function
  • timer an object containing the timer related functions setTimeout, clearTimeout and setInterval like the window object
  • WebSocket the class implementing WebSockets, like the standard class of the same title

The interpreter.notify() function is called whenever a message from the server arrives and gets this message as a parameter. Messages should be objects having a type attribute, which can be checked