
Aspecte Orinted Programming using javascript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsAop from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js_aop';




npm install js_aop


An tool that applies Aspect Orinted Programming in javascript, can be used creating mocks easily.

For each advice that added, a Strategy could be choosen, while it's digits in Binary:

<AopUtil.ALLOW_IN, 0000000X>
    0 - No in (Default Value);
    1 - Allow in;
<AopUtil.ALLOW_OUT, 000000X0>
    0 - No out (Default Value);
    1 - Allow out;
    0 - Returned value be used as the first parameter;
    1 - Returned value be used as arguments;
<AopUtil.FORCE_QUIT, 0000X000>
    0 - Do nothing.
    1 - Force quit;

Note that the original functions is always set with strategy 3, meaning "Allow in" and "Allow out", while advices are set with 0 to all bits by default.

// Applying a strategy:
AopUtil.before(obj, funcName, advice,
  AopUtil.ALLOW_IN +
  AopUtil.ALLOW_OUT +
  AopUtil.FORCE_QUIT // + ...

No In

This advice will only accept the original input (when the function is called) as parameter.

Allow In

This advice will accept the latest returned value (from the advice before it) as parameter.

No Out

The returned value of the current advice would be ignored.

Returned as parameter

Only useful when ALLOW_OUT set true. The returned value of this advice would be wrapped as an element of an array, so the next advice only receives 1 parameter.

Returned as arguments

Only useful when ALLOW_OUT set true. The returned value of this advice would be used as 'arguments' directly by the next advice.

Force quit

The advice chain ends here and returns, all other mocks after this advice would be ignored.


 * Adds a 'before' advice that would be executed before the original defined function body applied. Note that when
 * multiple 'before' advices added, those ones added afterwards would be executed in advance.
 * @param {Object} obj - Object that would be mocked.
 * @param {String} funcName - The name of the mocked function.
 * @param {Function} advice - Function that receives the proper params as input, while the arguments received
 *   depends on strategy used.
 * @param {int} [strategy] - Optional, the strategy code.
AopUtil.before(obj, funcName, advice[, strategy]);

 * Add an 'after' advice that would be executed after the original defined function body applied. Note that when
 * multiple 'after' advices added, those ones added afterwards would be executed later.
 * @param {Object} obj - Object that would be mocked.
 * @param {String} funcName - The name of the mocked function.
 * @param {Function} advice - Function that receives the proper params as input, while the arguments received
 *   depends on strategy used.
 * @param {int} [strategy] - Optional, the strategy code.
AopUtil.after(obj, funcName, advice[, strategy]);

 * Gets the original function without any advices appended. Return the function itself if it's never mocked.
 * @param {Object} obj - Object that was mocked.
 * @param {String} funcName - The name of the mocked function.
 * @return {Function} - The original function with 'this' bind to obj.
AopUtil.getOrigin(obj, methodName);

 * Clear all advices bind to target function.
 * @param {Object} obj - Object that was mocked.
 * @param {String} funcName - The name of the mocked function.
AopUtil.clearAdvice(obj, funcName);

 * Applies an set of 'advice' to the target object. It applies functions defined in 'aspect' to the target object
 * using specific rules. If a function defined in target exists in 'aspect', the advice would be used before (or
 * after regarding to the rules given) the target function. If it not exist, the advice would be applied directly
 * as a function of the target. If the advice given is the last 'before' or the first 'after' to an non-exsiting
 * function name, it would be applied with strategy 3 by force so it acts like the default function when it exists.
 * @param {Object} target - Target to which those advices would be applied.
 * @param {Object<String, Function>} aspect - An object containing set of functions that would be used as advices.
 * @param {String|Object<String, String>} [rule] - Optinal. Rules to be used. Can be 'before', 'after' or anything
 *   else that's supported. If given as an Object, it should define rules specifically for each advice. Using
 *   'before' for default, meaning the advice would be executed before the target function.
 * @param {Integer|Object<String, Integer>} [strategy] - Optinal. Strategies to be used. Can be anything supported.
 *   If an Object given, it should define strategies specifically for each advice. Using 0 for default.
 * @return {Object} - The updated target.
AopUtil.applyAspect(target, aspect[, rule[, strategy]]);

 * Remove all advices bind to a target.
 * @param {Object} target - Target that's bind with aspects.


Basic Before and After

var AopUtil = require('js_aop');

var obj = {};
obj.demo = function(a, b) {
  return a - b;

AopUtil.before(obj, 'demo', function(a, b) {
    console.log('before demo');
    // [a * 2, b] would be injected as agrument list to the next advice (or the original function)
    return [a * 2, b];

AopUtil.after(obj, 'demo', function(result) {
    // receives 1 param only from the original function.
    console.log('after demo');
    return result * 2;
}, AopUtil.ALLOW_IN + AopUtil.ALLOW_OUT);


var beforeAspect = {
  value: 'Nothing to do with this guy',
  demo: function(value) {
    console.log('before advice applied');
    return value;
  test: function(value) {
    console.log('advice added to non-existing function: ' + value);
    return value;
AopUtil.applyAspect(obj, beforeAspect);

var afterAspect = {
  demo: function(value) {
    console.log('after advice applied');
    return value;
AopUtil.applyAspect(obj, afterAspect, 'after');

Aspects with rules and strategies

var afterAspect2 = {
  demo: function(value) {
    console.log('after advice with strategy ALLOW_IN applied: ' + value);
    return value;
  test: function(value) {
    console.log('after advice for non-existing function should work: ' + ++value);
    return value;
AopUtil.applyAspect(obj, afterAspect2, {
  demo: 'after',
  test: 'after'
}, {
  demo: AopUtil.ALLOW_IN,
  test: AopUtil.ALLOW_IN + AopUtil.ALLOW_OUT

Force quit

var afterAspect3 = {
  test: function(value) {
    console.log('all other advices after this guy won\'t be executed: ' + ++value);
    return value;
var afterAspect4 = {
  test: function(value) {
    console.log('nothing to do with this guy: ' + ++value);
    return value;
AopUtil.applyAspect(obj, afterAspect3, 'after', AopUtil.ALLOW_IN + AopUtil.FORCE_QUIT);
AopUtil.applyAspect(obj, afterAspect4, 'after');

All together

// before aspect applied
// before demo
// demo
// after demo
// after aspect applied
// after aspect with strategy ALLOW_IN applied: 2
// 2, the final result of demo: (1 * 2 - 1) * 2

// advice added to non-existing function: 1
// after advice for non-existing function should work: 2
// all other advices after this guy won't be executed: 3
// 2, the final result of test while afterAspect3 doesn't allow out: 1 + 1

console.log(obj.demo(1,1)); // 0
console.log(obj.test); // undefined