
JSON Schema validator aspect for Aopromise aspect oriented programming toolkit

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsonSchemaAopromise from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/json-schema-aopromise';



JSON Schema validator and filter aspect for aopromise aspect oriented programming toolkit, using tv4. Useful for type-hint-like parameter validation.

Quick start

Argument validation

You can use the aspect by passing the schemas for each argument of the wrapped function you want to validate

aop = require('aopromise');
aop.register('validated', require('json-schema-aopromise').Validator);

var userSchema = getUserSchema();

userService.save = aop()
    .validated(userSchema) // schema for the first argument, you may an array for multiple arguments
    .fn(function (user) {
        // user object is valid

    "id": "invalidId", // not a number
    "name": "John Doe",
    "gender": "DUCK!" // not in enum
}).catch(function (e) { // will fail, so
   return console.error(e.message, e.explanation)

// declaring schema
// more info at http://json-schema.org/examples.html
function getUserSchema() {
    return {
        "title": "User schema",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "id": {
                "type": "integer"
            "name": {
                "type": "string"
            "email": {
                "type": "string"
            "gender": {
                "type": "string",
                enum: ['male', 'female']

        "required": ["name"]

Options for validator

    filter: [true|false] // Whether to filter out properties that are no specified on the schema. The default uses additionalProperties as switch of the feature.

Result filter

You may want to filter your function output. An example is when you have users stored in the database and only a limited set of properties are public for the users of your API, for example skip the password hash. In this case you may want to have a limited schema with the public fields of the user and filter the output of the result with that.

var aop = require('aopromise');
aop.register('filtered', require('../lib/json-schema-aopromise').Filter);

userService.get = aop()
    .fn(function (id) {
        return {
            "id": id,
            "name": "Joe",
            "email": "secret@email.com" // this should be filtered out
    // outputs user without email: 
    // { id: 123, name: 'Joe' }

function getLimitedUserSchema() {
    var userSchema = getUserSchema(); // using user schema implementation above
    delete userSchema.properties.email;
    return userSchema;

Options for result filter

    validate: [true|false] // Whether to validate the result against the schema. If true, the promise will be rather rejected if the result does not match the schema. Default false.

Error handling

The library exposes a typed validation error that can be catched with bluebird promises:

var ValidationError = require('json-schema-aopromise').ValidationError;
    "id": "invalidId", // not a number
    "name": "John Doe",
    "gender": "DUCK!" // not in enum
}).catch(ValidationError, function (err) { // will fail, so
   console.error(err.message); // outputs "Validation of arguments failed."
   console.error(err.explanation); // outputs: /id: Invalid type: string (expected integer) 
                                   //          /gender: No enum match for: "DUCK!"
}).catch(function(err){ // others
 // ...

Change log


BREAKING CHANGE: thrown error is not an array anymore. Error array is now available in the errors validationErrors property.

userService.save(...).catch(ValidationError, function (err) { 
userService.save(...).catch(ValidationError, function (err) { 