
Generate typed codec validator code from collections of json-schema

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsonSchemaCodecGenerator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/json-schema-codec-generator';


JSON-Schema Codec Generator

Generate typed codec validator code from collections of json-schema

Generate typed codecs from collections of json-schema using the included library or the bundled CLI.


To install the CLI, the recommended approach is to install it globally.

npm install -g json-schema-codec-generator

Alternatively, you can use npx to install and run it on-demand.

npx json-schema-codec-generator --help

CLI Usage

Given a folder full of .json files containing JSON-Schema definitions in ./path/to/my/schema/dir, the following will produce:

  1. ./codecs/index.js -- JavaScript code that exports a Codec instance for each discovered schema. These codecs have no runtime dependencies and thus can be used in any JavaScript runtime.
  2. ./codecs/index.d.ts -- TypeScript definition files for the generated codecs. These type definitions ensure that code consuming the codecs will benefit from compile-time and edit-time type hinting.
json-schema-codec-generator --input ./path/to/my/schema/dir --output ./codecs/


The Codec objects exported by the generated code have the following methods and properties:

  • .identity(obj) -- A no-op function at runtime that is provided for developer ergonomics in a JavaScript environment where you want to construct a conforming object while benefitting from all the glory of modern type hinting provided by TypeScript language services.

  • .is(obj) -- Check that obj value conforms to the JSON-Schema at runtime returning true or false. This also acts as a user-defined type guard so that if this function is used as a condition, anything within the consequent block will be correctly typed.

  • .validate(obj) -- Ensures that obj value conforms to the JSON-Schema at runtime, throwing a ValidationError if not. Returns the validated object when valid.