
JSON Query Javascript Libiary

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsonqJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jsonq-js';


purev.js: A lightweight, extensible, pure js validation plugin



Purev.js is a lightweight, extensible, easy to use, pure js validation plugin.

Purev focuses on validation and can run in a browser environment or a node environment.

Purev can be used to validate DOM elements and forms with instructions, or just to validate data.

1.Installation and use

1.1 Introduced using script tags

<script src='https://www.theajack.com/lib/purev.min.js'></div>

Introducing purev.js with a script tag will generate a purev object on the window object.

If the naming is already used, the purev object will be named $PUREV

1.2 npm Installation

npm i pure-v


var purev = require('pure-v')
import purev from 'pure-v'

1.3 Examples

1.3.1 Using instructions in a browser environment
<div pv-form='form'>
Name:<input type="text" pv-rule='notnull'><br><br>
Birthday:<input type="text" pv-rule='date'><br><br>
<button onclick='purev("form")'>validate</button>
1.3.2 Verifying a value or a json object
var purev = require('pure-v')
//or import purev from 'pure-v'
// Use the script tag to introduce will generate a global purev object

//result:"The format is XXX@XX.XX"


purev('','null date')

    name: 'theajack',
    birthday: '1994-01-01',
    email: 'me@theajack.com',
    name: 'notnull',
    birthday: 'date',
    email: 'email',
        name: true,
        birthday: true,
        email: true,
        intro: 'required'
1.3.3 Configuration Information Code
var purev = require('pure-v')
purev.toast=null //Disable the default prompt method
//Please refer to 2.3

2. Detailed manual

2.1.pv command

When using purev in a browser environment, you can mark dom with an instruction and then verify it with purev()

Purev uses pv-form to declare a validation container. Call it a pure container.

Use pv-rule to declare a pending element and declare validation rules. Call it the pure element.

An element that fails validation will be added a pv-res attribute with a value of fail

You can use this [pv-res=fail] to customize the styles that the validation does not pass.

Here's a simple example:

<div pv-form='form'>
    Name:<input type="text" pv-rule='notnull'><br><br>
    Birthday:<input type="text" pv-rule='date'><br><br>
    <button onclick='purev("form")'>validate</button>

Purev() Please refer to 2.2

For the validation rules in purev, please refer to 2.3

For the configuration method in purev, please refer to 2.4.

2.2 purev()

A purev object is a method that takes two or three arguments. There are three main ways to use it.

- Parameter Return value Remarks
2.2.1 ele[,function][,function] array Verify a pure container or a pure element
(available in the browser environment)
2.2.2 json,ruleJson json Verify a json object
2.2.3 string,rule string Verify a value
2.2.1 Verification of dom with instructions

In this way, the first parameter ele has the following three legal cases:

  1. string: the value of a pv-form attribute
  2. string: an id attribute value
  3. HTMLElement: a dom element

The second parameter is a callback function that passes validation. The third parameter is a callback function that fails validation.

When the dom element obtained by purev contains the pv-rule attribute, purev will only validate this pure element, otherwise the don will be treated as a pure container with or without the pv-form attribute.

When validation is required, purev(ele) is called to verify. Call purev(ele,function(){}) to execute a callback function after the validation has passed.

The return value of this mode is an array indicating the result of the verification failure. If the length of the array is zero, it means that the verification is all passed.

2.2.2 Verifying a json

In this way, both parameters are required, all are json data, and the two parameter keys must be kept one.

The first parameter indicates the information to be verified, and the second parameter is the verification rule.

The return value is also a json object, which contains a result attribute indicating whether the validation passed, and an info attribute indicating the prompt for validation.

2.2.3 Verifying a value

In this way, both parameters are required, all of which are value types. The first parameter is the value to be verified, and the second parameter is the validation rule.

The return value is also a value type. If true, the validation is passed, otherwise a string type error message will be returned.

2.3 List of predefined validation rules

Name Implication Prompt Information Remarks
notnull Required required --
null Allow null Allow empty Only this rule can exist with other rules, indicating that null values ​​are allowed
date date format The format is XXXX-XX-XX XXXX-XX-XX
email Email The format is XXX@XX.XX --
idcard ID number 17 digits plus one digit or X Chinese ID number format: 17 digits plus one digit or X
decimal 小数 Please correct the decimal --
url link Please enter the correct URL --
phone Mobile Number It must be 11 digits China Number Format: 11 digits at the beginning of 1
number[] Number Must be a pure number You can use number[a] to qualify a bit number; use number[a,b] to limit the number between a bit and b bit. The following [] also means the same meaning
length[] String of the specified length The length is in [a,b] --
lengthOfAny[] The specified length can contain any character (Chinese character) string The length is in [a,b] --
letterStart[] A string of letters of the specified length The beginning of the letter and the length is [a,b] --
range[] The number of the specified range The number is not in range [a,b] --
express[exp] Custom Validation Rule Custom Error [exp] represents a valid regular expression

If you are not satisfied with these verification rules or prompts, you can modify them using the configuration method. For details, please refer to 2.4.

2.3 Configuration Method or Attribute

The following configuration methods are available on purev objects

Name Meaning Parameters Return Value Remarks
info Add or modify the prompt message for validation failure string,string -- The first parameter is the validation rule name
reg Add or modify the validated regular expression string,RegExp -- The first parameter is the validation rule name
lang Modify the language of the prompt information string -- The parameter optional value is only 'EN', 'CN'

The following configuration properties are available on the purev object

Name Meaning Type Remarks
toast Set a prompt method for validation failure
The default method is alert (under browser environment) or console.log
function callback parameter of function parameter is the first prompt for verification failure
onOnePass Set a callback function that will be triggered every time the validation is passed function Callback parameters When using the directive binding dom, the first argument is the dom element, and the second prompt message
onOneFail Set a callback function that will be triggered every time the validation fails. function Same as above



purev.js 是一款轻量级、可扩展、使用简单的纯粹的js验证插件。




1.1 使用script标签引入

<script src='https://www.theajack.com/lib/purev.min.js'></div>

使用script标签引入 purev.js 会在window对象上生成一个 purev 对象

若是该命名已经被使用,purev 对象会被命名为 $PUREV

1.2 npm 安装

npm i pure-v


var purev = require('pure-v')
import purev from 'pure-v'

1.3 示例

1.3.1 配合指令在浏览器环境中使用
<div pv-form='form'>
    name:<input type="text" pv-rule='notnull'><br><br>
    birthday:<input type="text" pv-rule='date'><br><br>
    <button onclick='purev("form")'>validate</button>
1.3.2 验证一个值或一个json对象
var purev = require('pure-v')

//result:"The format is XXX@XX.XX"


purev('','null date')

        name: true,
        birthday: true,
        email: true,
        intro: 'required'
1.3.3 配置信息代码
var purev = require('pure-v')
purev.toast=null //禁用默认的提示方法
//请参考 2.3




purev使用 pv-form 来声明一个验证容器。称其为 pure容器。

使用 pv-rule 来声明一个待验证元素并声明验证规则。称其为 pure元素。

验证不通过的元素会被添加一个 pv-res 的属性,并且其值为fail

您可以使用这个 [pv-res=fail] 来自定义验证不通过的样式。


<div pv-form='form'>
    name:<input type="text" pv-rule='notnull'><br><br>
    birthday:<input type="text" pv-rule='date'><br><br>
    <button onclick='purev("form")'>validate</button>

purev() 请参考2.2

purev 中的验证规则请参考 2.3

purev 中的配置方法请参考 2.4

2.2 purev()

purev 对象是一个方法,接受两个或三个参数 主要有三种使用方式

- 参数 返回值 备注
2.2.1 ele[,function][,function] array 验证一个pure容器或者一个pure元素
2.2.2 json,ruleJson json 验证一个json对象
2.2.3 string,rule string 验证一个值
2.2.1 配合指令验证dom

这种方式第一个参数 ele 有以下三种合法情况:

  1. string:一个pv-form属性的值
  2. string:一个id属性值
  3. HTMLElement:一个dom元素


当purev获取到的dom元素含有 pv-rule 属性时,purev 就会只验证这一个 pure元素,否则不管有没有pv-form属性,这个don都会当作pure容器处理。

需要验证时,调用 purev(ele) 来验证。调用 purev(ele,function(){}) 来在验证全部通过后执行一个回调函数。


2.2.2 验证一个json



返回值也是一个json对象,它含有一个 result 属性,表示验证是否通过,还有一个info属性,表示验证的提示信息。

2.2.3 验证一个值


返回值也是一个值类型,如果是 true 表示验证通过,否则会返回一个字符串类型的错误提示信息

2.3 预定义的验证规则列表

名称 含义 提示信息 备注
notnull 必填 required --
null 允许空值 Allow empty 只有该规则可以与其他规则同时存在,表示允许空值
date 日期格式 The format is XXXX-XX-XX XXXX-XX-XX
email 邮箱 The format is XXX@XX.XX --
idcard 身份证号 17 digits plus one digit or X 中国身份证号格式:17位数字加一位数字或X
decimal 小数 Please correct the decimal --
url 链接 Please enter the correct URL --
phone 手机号码 It must be 11 digits 中国号码格式:1开头的11位数字
number[] 数字 Must be a pure number 可以使用 number[a] 来限定必须是a位数字;使用 number[a,b] 来限定数字必须是在a位到b位之间。下面的[]也表示相同的含义
length[] 指定长度的字符串 The length is in [a,b] --
lengthOfAny[] 指定长度的可包含任意字符(汉字)字符串 The length is in [a,b] --
letterStart[] 指定长度的字母打头的字符串 The beginning of the letter and the length is [a,b] --
range[] 指定范围的数字 The number is not in range [a,b] --
express[exp] 自定义验证规则 Custom Error [exp]表示一个合法的正则表达式


2.3 配置方法或属性

purev 对象上有以下配置方法

名称 含义 参数 返回值 备注
info 添加或修改验证失败的提示信息 string,string -- 第一个参数是验证规则名
reg 添加或修改验证的正则表达式 string,RegExp -- 第一个参数是验证规则名
lang 修改提示信息的语言 string -- 参数可选值只有 'EN','CN'

purev 对象上有以下配置属性

名称 含义 类型 备注
toast 设置一个验证失败的提示方法
function 参数函数的回调参数是第一个验证失败的提示信息
onOnePass 设置一个每一次验证通过都会触发的回调函数 function 回调参数当使用指令绑定dom时,第一个参数是dom元素,第二个时提示信息
onOneFail 设置一个每一次验证失败都会触发的回调函数 function 同上