
Small library for reading and writing objects to http requests and responses.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jwtCookie from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jwt-cookie';


JWT Cookie

Small library for reading and writing objects to http requests and responses.


npm install jwt-cookie
import JwtCookie from 'jwt-cookie';

const jwtc = new JwtCookie(
    process.env.JWT_SECRET, // A secret string to use for signing the JWT
    'my_session' // The cookie key to use (optional)

export default function requestHandler(req, res) {
    const session = jwt.get(req) || { count: 0 };


    jwt.set(res, session);

    res.end(`You've viewed this page ${session.count} times.`)



Class for reading objects from HTTP requests and saving objects to responses, using json web tokens under the hood

new JwtCookie(secret, cookieKey)

Create an instance of JwtCookie

Param Type Default Description
secret string The secret to use to generate and verify the web tokens
cookieKey string "session" The key to use for the cookie, defaults to session


Get the object from the request. Returns null if none is set.

Kind: instance method of JwtCookie

Param Type Description
req http.IncomingMessage The incoming request object

jwtCookie.set(res, payload)

Write an object to the response's cookie header

Kind: instance method of JwtCookie

Param Type Description
res http.ServerResponse The response object to write to
payload * The object to write to the response cookie