
A less shelf implementation. Integrates with kaba.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kabaShelfLess from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/kaba-shelf-less';



A kaba shelf implementation of the less compiler.


Just install via npm / yarn:

yarn add kaba-less


In your kabafile.js use it like any other shelf task:

const kaba = require("kaba");
const lessShelf = require("kaba-shelf-less");

const less = lessShelf({
    /* config here */

kaba.task("less", less);


Only files at the root of the directory are compiled.

All configuration options:

Option Type Description Default value Comment
input string A glob that matches all directories that contain LESS files "src/**/Resources/assets/less/" As this parameter is passed unaltered to glob it will accept everything that glob accepts.
output string The output dir for compiled files "../../public/css" This path is relative to the (resolved) input path for the given file.
browsers array The list of supported browers ["last 2 versions", "IE 10"] This value is passed to autoprefixer, so please look in their documentation for all allowed values.
outputFileName function(string, string) : string Optional transform function to generate the output file name. Receives the output and input filenames as parameters. The first argument is the auto-generated file name.
debug boolean Flag, whether a debug build should be generated. if --debug is set true, false otherwise
watch boolean Flag, whether a watcher should be started. if --debug is set true, false otherwise