
A powerful, flexible data binding library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kenna from '';


What's This?

In the context of MVVM, data binding is used to detect changes to the ViewModel and react by updating the View.

If you're confused about MVVM, MVC, MVP, MVVMC, or whatever, don't worry. You don't need to understand them to use this library. Simply, this library lets you listen for changes to your data (ViewModel), and do something about it, such as manipulating the DOM (View).

How To Use

First add databind.js to your page.

<script src=""></script>
Detecting Changes To The ViewModel

This library assumes your ViewModel is whatever this points to, which is by default your window object.

  • Say your window object has a property a, then you can bind to a like this: #a
  • You can bind to some property of a like this: #a.b
  • In fact, you can bind any depth into a's object tree: #a.b.c[0].d.e
  • The array index can be another binding expression: #a.b.c[Math.round(#x/2)+1].d.e
Updating Your View

Using #a.b.c[0].d.e as an example, say you want to to set the text inside a DIV

<div>The value is {{#a.b.c[0].d.e}}</div>

Say you want to hide the DIV if the value is NULL

<div bind-statement-1=" = (#a.b.c[0].d.e == null) ? 'none' : 'block'">
    Hello, world

Change an image dynamically

<img bind-statement-1="thisElem.src = #a.b.c[0].d.e ? 'checked.png' : 'unchecked.png'" />

Toggle a class (using jQuery)

<li bind-statement-1="$(thisElem).toggleClass('active', #a.b.c[0].d.e)">
    Menu item

Call a function

<div bind-statement-1="setDivHeight(thisElem, #a.b.c[0].d.e)"></div>

Say you want to repeat an element a number of times

<div bind-repeater-i="#a.b.c.length">Value is {{#a.b.c[#i].d.e}}</div>

Set the value of an text box

<input type="text" bind-statement-1="thisElem.value = #a.b.c[0].d.e" />

Or a checkbox

<input type="checkbox" bind-statement-1="thisElem.checked = #a.b.c[0].d.e" />

Remember these are bound to your data, so if the value of a.b.c[0].d.e changes your DOM will automatically be updated. For example, any of the following will cause an update:

a = ...;
a.b = ...;
a.b.c = [...];
a.b.c[0] = ...;
a.b.c[0].d = ...;
a.b.c[0].d.e = ...;
delete a.b;

A quick example:

Proceed to the documentation for the full list of binding constructs.