
A Simple & graceful git tool libary.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kgit from '';


A Simple & graceful git tool libary.


$ yarn add kgit


getCurrentBranch: (repoDirPath: string) => Promise

import { getCurrentBranch } from "kgit";

const repo = your_repo_path;
;(async function(){
    const branch = await getCurrentBranch(repo);


import { forceChangeBranch, clearGitRepo, submitCommit } from "kgit";

const repo = your_repo_path;
;(async function(){
    // Same as `git checkout -f master`
    await forceChangeBranch(repo, "master"); 

    // equal to `git reset --hard HEAD~5` && `git clean -f` && `git pull`
    await clearGitRepo(repo, 5);
    // it will work step by step:
    // step1: check submit is necessary(by check differences between the index file and the current HEAD commit )
    // step2: git add -A
    // step3: git commit -m "your commit message"
    // step4: git push
    // step5: check push if success by comparing current HEAD and remote HEAD
    await submitCommit(repo, "your commit message")

Some Api

Works as theirs name.

  • forceChangeBranch: (repoDirPath: string, branchName: string) => Promise
  • resetHard: (repoDirPath: string, toPoint: string) => Promise
  • cleanCurrentBranch: (repoDirPath: string) => Promise
  • pullCurrentBranch: (repoDirPath: string) => Promise
  • clearGitRepo: (repoDirPath: string, toPoint: number = 1) => Promise
  • submitCommit: (repoDirPath: string, commitMessage: string, modifyFileChecker?: string | string[] | ModifyFileChecker | undefined) => Promise;
  • hasConflict: (repoDirPath: string) => Promise
  • isUnmodified: (repoDirPath: string) => Promise