
Auto bootstrap controllers for the koa app.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import koaAutoboot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/koa-autoboot';


Koa Autoboot

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Auto bootstrap routes from a controller folder.

  • Auto build routes from controller files
  • Use the return value as response body
  • Inject ctx, body, query or custom data
  • Build-in validator for body and query base on fastest-validator
  • Log request in and out



npm install koa-autoboot koa-body

Basic usage

// controllers/IndexController.ts
import Koa from 'koa'
import { Controller, Get, Ctx } from 'koa-autoboot'

export default class IndexController {
  @Ctx() // Inject the `ctx` as the argument.
  async greeting(ctx: Koa.Context) {
    ctx.body = 'Hello world'
// index.ts
import path from 'path'
import Koa from 'koa'

const app = new Koa()
    dir: path.join(__dirname, 'controllers'),

curl http://localhost:4000/greeting will get Hello world.


import KoaAutoboot, { Controller, Post, Route, Middleware, Body } from 'koa-autoboot'

  // The options
    // string, the folder of controller files
    dir: __dirname,

    // string (optional), the prefix append to all routes path
    prefix: 'api',

    // (string | RegExp)[] | ((s: string) => boolean), which files should be ignore in dir.
    ignore: [],

    // function (optional), parse return value to response body.
    // If return value is `undefined`, parser will not be call.
    // Default parser:
    returnParser: (value: any) => {
      const body = { status: true, message: 'Success', data: null }

      if (value === false || value instanceof Error) {
        body.status = false
        body.message = value.message || 'Fail'
      } else {
        body.data = value

      return body

interface GreetingParams {
  name: string

 * Mark the class is a router.
 * Pass a router path (optional), the default values is className.toLowerCase().replace('controller', '')
 * For this class, the default router path is `index`
// Add koa middlewares to the router.
export default class IndexController {
  // Add koa middlewares to a route.

  // Add a `POST` route, pass the path (optional), default is the method name.

  // Add a route, pass the http methods, default is `['GET', 'POST']`.

  // Inject the `ctx.request.body` as the argument, pass the validate schema (optional)
  @Body({ name: 'string' })

  // Inject the `ctx.request.query` as the argument

  // Inject the `ctx` as the argument
  async greeting(ctx: Koa.Context, query: any, body: GreetingParams): Promise<string> {
    // Use return value as the response
    return `Hello, ${body.name}`


npm install
npm start

Will run the example koa server with nodemon.