
Koa Batch - Utility library to enable a server to handle batch requests

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import koaBatch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/koa-batch';


Batch Request middleware for koa. Turn one request into many!

Looking for the ExpressJS version of this module?

A simple library for batching HTTP requests

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Build Status Built with Grunt


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then in your app (example using koa-router)

var batch = require('koa-batch').batch();

// Use Batch Request as middleware on an endpoint you want to service batch requests
app.post('/batch', batch);

Optionally use our included middleware to check the validity of your batch request

var batch = require('koa-batch').batch(),
    validate = require('koa-batch').validate();

// Include the validate middleware before batch middleware
app.post('/batch', validate, batch);

And that's it!

Proudly written in Washington, D.C. by:
