
a koa middleware, call an user defined middleware if ctx.path path string starts with a give prefix

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import koaContribPathstringstartswith from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/koa-contrib-pathstringstartswith';



a koa middleware, call an user defined middleware if ctx.path path string starts with a give prefix

This is a replacement for koa-mount.

How it works

It accept two params, path prefix, middleware. If the app's ctx.path starts with path prefix, then call the middleware.

It do so by a simple string compare. Chart below shows its behavior.

ctx.path prefix call middleware (Y/N)
/ /api N
/api /api Y
/api/ /api Y
/api /api/ N
/api/ /api/ Y
/api/v1 /api/ Y
/api/v1 /api/v Y
/api/v2 /api/v2 Y
/api/v2.0 /api/v2 Y
/api/v21 /api/v2 Y
/images /image Y
/images/flower /image/ Y


If you just want a simple starts with compare, use it. Otherwise use koa-contrib-pathstartswith instead.

Install via npm or yarn.

# for npm
npm i --save koa-contrib-startswith
# for yarn
yarn add koa-contrib-startswith

Use as a Koa middleware in your app.

// import it
const startsWith = require('koa-contrib-startswith')

// if ctx.path starts with `api/v1`, then call myMiddleware1
app.use(startsWith('/api/v1', myMiddleware1))

// if ctx.path starts with `api/v2`, then call myMiddleware2
app.use(startsWith('/api/v2', myMiddleware2))

Compare to koa-mount

  • This koa middleware just call your user-defined middlewares according the ctx.path's prefix, it does not re-write ctx.path, so the path your middleware get is as is.
  • This middleware do not mount Koa application.
  • It's simple and easy to use.


The MIT License.