
A Higher Order Component (HOC) for adding classes to React Components and Dom Elements. Excellent for use with css utility libraries such as tailwind.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kurasu from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/kurasu';



A Higher Order Component (HOC) for adding classes to React Components and Dom Elements. Excellent for use with css utility libraries such as tailwind.

  • 🐁 Small at around 1KB.
  • 🦍 Powerful API with the help of clsx/classnames
  • 🦖 Typescript Support
  • 🔥 Blazing fast, probably...


npm i kurasu
yarn add kurasu
pnpm i kurasu


Main Function

kurasu(Component, classNames);


Argument Type Notes
Component A React Component -
Component An Element String e.g. 'div', 'button'.
classNames string -
classNames (props, helper) => string props describes your input props; for helper usage, see clsx.
classNames false Will not add classes to element.


  • Return a React Component with added classNames. Any classNames you pass to this returned component will be merged.

Element Shorthands



Argument Type Notes
classNames string -
classNames (props, helper) => string props describes your input props; for helper usage, see clsx.
classNames false Will not add classes to element.


Return a React Component with added classNames. Any classNames you pass to this returned component will be merged.


Basic usage

import kurasu from "kurasu";
const RoundedButton = kurasu.button("rounded p-4");

const Usage = () => (
  <RoundedButton onClick={doSomething}>Button Title</RoundedButton>

With Component

import kurasu from "kurasu";
import { SomeButton } from "./my-react-buttons";
const SomeRoundedButton = kurasu(SomeButton, "rounded p-4");

const Usage = () => (
  <SomeRoundedButton onClick={doSomething}>Button Title</SomeRoundedButton>

With props

import kurasu from "kurasu";
const WarningButton = kurasu.button<{ warning: boolean }>(
  (props) => props.warning && "bg-red-100"

const Usage = () => (
  <WarningButton onClick={doSomething} warning={false}>
    Button Title

With props and props helper

import kurasu from "kurasu";
const RoundedWarningButton = kurasu.button<{ warning: boolean }>(
  (props, helper) => helper([props.warning && "bg-red-100", "rounded p-4"])

const Usage = () => (
  <RoundedWarningButton onClick={doSomething} warning={false}>
    Button Title