
batch downloads assets from lingo to your local project. Used by laf (the CLI)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lafLib from '';


Lingo Asset Fetcher - Library

Automate fetching assets from your lingo workspace to your local project

Travis CI


npm install laf-lib -S


Core Experience

lingo-asset-fetcher-lib is a core dependency of LAF. LAF is a CLI which abstracts all of this functionality into a single, easy-to-use command which can run from your terminal or package.json.

If you're looking for an out-of-the-box solution, check LAF out here:

Programmatic Usage

What you'll learn below

  1. How to create a configuration object
  2. What's the minimum you need to know about calling init
  3. How to utilize it

1. Create a configuration object, like so:
  "sections": [
      "name": "Illustrations"
      "name": "Icons",
      "headers": ["Icons", "Components"]

These configurations are specific to my project, which currently looks like:


2. Get ready to use that config object in an init function

But first, let's understand the init function. Here's the minimum you need to know to get started:

  "name of kit",

Curious about which fileFormats options are available? Read more here:

3. This is how that might look for my project:

Important Case Sensitive note:

  • Kit name is case sensitive.
  • Config object is case sensitive.
  • The file format is not case sensitive (ie. png or PNG both work)
let myConfigObject = {
  sections: [
      name: "Illustrations"
      name: "Icons",
      headers: ["Icons", "Components"]

  "Capswan - Mobile App - Style Guide",

Additional Notes

  • The directories don't need to exist before calling them.
  • The kit name is real (spaces and all): lingo_kitname


Added in case you're too lazy to open src/lingo.js

 * @param {string} kitName
 * @param {object} extractTarget
 * @param {string} outputDirectory
 * @param {string} outputFormat
 * @param {string} spaceId
 * @param {string} apiToken
 * @param {int} kitVersion
export async function init(
    kitName = "Test Me",
    extractTarget = null,
    outputDirectory = "./downloads",
    outputFormat = "PNG",
    spaceId = null,
    apiToken = null,
    kitVersion = 0