
A typescript command line argument parser that does the work for you

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lazyargs from '';



A typescript command line argument parser that does the work for you

class YourNestedOptions {
    arg: string = "Hello nested";

class YourCLIOptions {
    foo: number = 10;

    OptionDoc("Some good documentation")
    bar: string = Hello World;

    nested: YourNestedOptions = new YourNestedOptions();

let options = new YourCLIOptions();
return parseCMD(options, "Header for the help string");

// options are passed in as --foo 1234 or --bar "A string"'
// for nested options your prefix the passed args as --nested.arg "Foo"

If -h or --help is passed the help information will be printed and process.exit(0) is called.

This package requires:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "experimentalDecorators": true

to be passed to the typescript compiler.