
CLI client for LDPoS blockchains.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ldposCommander from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ldpos-commander';



CLI client for LDPoS blockchains


ldpos account list by-balance


npm i -g ldpos-commander


This interface can be used both interactively and non-interactively:

Usage interactively: ldpos (OPTIONAL: -pmf)


Usage non-interactively: ldpos (OPTIONAL: -pmf) (OPTIONAL: ip or ip:port) [command]
ip:port - Default port is 8001. If not provided it will prompt you in the steps.
eg.: ldpos wallet get
eg.: ldpos wallet get

Options accepted both interactively and non-interactively:
  (option -p) PASSPHRASE

login                                                                                                  Login with a passphrase. Intended for interactive mode only
exit                                                                                                   Exits the process
v                                                                                                      No description available
version                                                                                                No description available
wallet list outbound-transactions                                                                      Check your outbound transactions
wallet list inbound-transactions                                                                       Check your inbound transactions
wallet list pending-transactions outbound                                                              Check your pending outbound transactions
wallet list votes                                                                                      Check your votes
wallet get balance                                                                                     Get the balance of your wallet
wallet get                                                                                             Check your account
config show                                                                                            Get filepaths to the configs
config clean key-indexes                                                                               Cleans key indexes
config clean passphrases                                                                               Removes the passphrase
config clean signatures default-path                                                                   Removes the default path (IMPORTANT: this action is irreversible)
config clean signatures                                                                                Removes all signatures in the default path (IMPORTANT: this action is irreversible)
config clean                                                                                           Removes config file with server ip, port and networkSymbol (IMPORTANT: this action is irreversible)
config network-symbol current                                                                          Gets current networkSymbol
config network-symbol change                                                                           Change the protocol
transaction list                                                                                       Get a list of all transactions on the chain by timestamp
transaction get                                                                                        Get a transaction, accepts an id as argument. If not provided it prompts it.
transaction create multisig-transfer                                                                   Transfers to a multisig wallet
transaction sign multisig-transfer                                                                     Transfers to a multisig wallet
transaction post transfer                                                                              Transfer to a wallet
transaction post vote                                                                                  Vote a delegate
transaction post unvote                                                                                Unvote a delegate
transaction post multisig-transaction                                                                  Transfers to a multisig wallet
transaction post register-multisig-wallet                                                              Register a multisigwallet
transaction post register-multisig-details                                                             Register a registerMultisigDetails
transaction post register-sig-details                                                                  Register a registerSigDetails
transaction post register-forging-details                                                              Register a registerForgingDetails
transaction count pending                                                                              List pending transactions
account list outbound-transactions                                                                     Check the outbound transactions of a wallet address
account list inbound-transactions                                                                      Check the inbound transactions of a wallet address
account list pending-transactions                                                                      Check the pending outbound transactions of a wallet address
account list votes                                                                                     Check the votes of a wallet address
account list by-balance                                                                                List accounts
account list multisig-wallet-members                                                                   Get wallet members
account get balance                                                                                    Get the balance of an account
account get                                                                                            Get a account, accepts an address as argument if run non-interactively. If not provided it prompts it.
account generate                                                                                       Generates a new wallet
delegate get                                                                                           Gets a delegate, accepts an address as argument if run non-interactively. If not provided it prompts it.
delegate list forging-delegates                                                                        List forging deletes
delegate list by-vote-weight                                                                           Delegates by weight in votes
node info                                                                                              Get info about the node
block get max-height                                                                                   Get the max height
block get                                                                                              Get block by id
block list                                                                                             List all blocks