
An etcd3-based strategy for greenlock v4 for reading, setting and removing ACME challenges

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import leChallengeEtcd from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/le-challenge-etcd';


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An etcd-based strategy for node-greenlock for setting, retrieving, and clearing ACME challenges issued by the ACME server.

This module saves ACME challenge in etcd as specified by etcdPathPrefix and removes it once the challenge has either completed or failed.

  • Safe to use with node cluster
  • Safe to use with ephemeral services (EvenNode, Heroku, etc.)


npm install --save le-challenge-etcd


  Etcd = require('node-etcd'),
  etcd = new Etcd('localhost');

let leChallenge = require('le-challenge-etcd').create({
  etcdObj: etcd,
  etcdPathPrefix: '/letsencrypt/www/:hostname/'  // defaults to "/le-challenge-etcd/"

let LE = require('letsencrypt');

  server: LE.stagingServerUrl,   // Change to LE.productionServerUrl in production
  challenge: leChallenge

NOTE: If you request a certificate with 6 domains listed, it will require 6 individual challenges.

Exposed Methods

For ACME Challenge:

  • set(opts, domain, key, val, done)
  • get(defaults, domain, key, done)
  • remove(defaults, domain, key, done)

For node-letsencrypt internals:

  • getOptions() returns the internal defaults merged with the user-supplied options
  • loopback(defaults, domain, key, value, done) test, by external means, that the ACME server's challenge server will succeed