
On a Leaflet Map, query an area around the mouse pointer for map items via Overpass API (an OpenStreetMap database server)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import leafletOverpassLens from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/leaflet-overpass-lens';



On a Leaflet Map, query an area around the mouse pointer for map items via Overpass API (an OpenStreetMap database server)


Screenshot of the demo application, showing the configuration on the left side. On the right side a map with buildings and roads intersecting the selected lens.


You will also need to include the module overpass-frontend which takes care of the communication with the Overpass API server.

var overpassURL = '//overpass-api.de/api/interpreter'
// var overpassURL = 'map.osm' // Download a .osm file to this directory and use this instead
const overpassFrontend = new OverpassFrontend(overpassURL)

const map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 15)

// you can omit these values; shown are the default values.
const options = {
  position: 'topleft', // position of the control
  continuous: false, // if true, lens will follow mouse and update continuously
  icon: '<span>🔍</span>', // which icon to use on the control
  radius: 100, // radius around the mouse pointer
  radiusUnits: 'meters' // units,
  bufferStyle: { weight: 3, color: '#007fff', fill: false } // the visible buffer around the mouse position

// Configure the overlay. For more options, please check https://github.com/plepe/overpass-layer#readme
const layerOptions = {
  overpassFrontend: overpassFrontend,
  query: 'nwr', // load everything in that area

L.overpassLens(options, layerOptions).addTo(map)