
Leak helps release semantically-versioned node packages from git branches.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import leak from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/leak';



Leak helps release semantically-versioned node packages from git branches.

Status: Leak is unstable and should be used at your own risk.


Install leak with npm.

npm install -g leak

Leak can now be run as a command

$ leak --help

  Usage: leak [options]


    -h, --help                        output usage information
    -V, --version                     output the version number
    -S, --start [name]                Start working on a branch, synced with origin, and properly versioned
    -C, --commit [message]            Commit progress on this branch
    -R, --release [type]              Cut a version (of a type like minor or patch), push to master, and close this branch
    --clean [do_clean]                Clean the feature branch and tags after release? Default [true]
    --clean-remote [do_clean_remote]  Clean the remote feature branch and tags after release? Default [true]
    --npm-publish [do_npm_publish]    Publish npm module on release? By default, publish if package.json private === false
    --main-branch [main_branch]       Specify the 'master' branch which gets released to. Default ['master']
    --remote [remote]                 Specify the remote repo to use. 'false' for no remote actions. Default ['origin']


Other than the following restrictions, leak should work fine with existing repositories and node modules.

The package.json file must be present at the top-level of the repo and be valid JSON. The version value must be a proper semantic version.


Leak has 3 main actions: Start, Commit, and Release.

Leak will run 'Commit' (-C) by default if nothing is provided.

Commit can be combined with start or release, because a commit always happens to change the version. When starting or releasing, the commit flag is used to override the message.

-S --start [branch]

"Switch to a new or existing branch"

Start Behavior

  • tries to checkout $branch. if it already exists and is checked out:
    • try to run git pull origin $branch. if the branch does not exist remotely:
      • continue as if the branch had been just created (see below)
  • if the branch doesnt already exist:
    • creates a new branch named $branch off of the current git repo
    • set to track $branch on origin. if branch is successfully tracked:
      • git pull
    • if branch cannot track remote because no remote branch:
      • updates version for the branch in package.json to match X.X.X-$branch.X
      • stages and commits package.json
      • publishes the new branch to origin

Start Options

  • -S --start [branch_name] - Specify the name for the branch

-C --commit [message]

"Commit progress on the current branch."

Commit Behavior

  • notices the current $repo & $branch
  • git pull origin $branch
  • increments the prerelease $version in `package.json'
  • stages package.json
  • commits all staged changes with the $message provided
  • tags the commit with the new version
  • pushes commits and tags to origin $branch

Commit Options

  • -C --commit [message] - Set the commit message

-R --release [type]

"Release the currently-staged branch to remote master and npm, then wipe the branch and old tags"

Release Behavior

  • notices the current $repo & $branch
  • git pull origin $branch
  • if branch is not master:
    • git pull origin master
    • checkout master to make sure working copy doesn't conflict
    • checkout $branch again
  • increments the $version by $type in `package.json'
  • stages package.json
  • commits all staged changes with the $message provided, otherwise 'release $type $version'
  • tag the commit with the new version
  • pushes commits on $branch and the tag to origin
  • if $branch is not master:
    • push $branch to origin master
    • checkout master, pull origin master
    • if cleaning is enabled:
      • remove all local tags which match: X.X.X-$branch.X
      • remove the local $branch
      • if remote cleaning is enabled:
        • remove all remote tags which match: X.X.X-$branch.X
        • remove the remote $branch
  • if private === false in package.json or if npm is enabled
    • npm publish

Release Options

  • -R --release [type] - Specify the type of the release
  • -C --commit [message] - Override the commit message for the release
  • --clean [do_clean] - If set to false, no cleaning will be done
  • --clean-remote [do_clean_remote] - If set to false, nothing remote will be cleaned
  • --npm-publish [do_npm_publish]
    • publish to npm if true
    • if set to false, npm will not publish
    • by default, publish if private is false in package.json