
React multi-app and package build handling for lerna monorepo.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lernaPacker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lerna-packer';


Lerna Packer

MIT license npm (scoped)

React multi-app and package build handling for lerna monorepos.

App: webpack serving and building, scss/css support, public folder etc. - similar to create-react-app.

Backends: NodeJS backend server, watching and production build with babel, dev serving with nodemon.

Packages: publishable packages, can be used by apps/backends directly, production built with babel.

Supports: ESNext, React, TypeScript, d.ts Generation, Sass, Code Split compatible, es-modules and commonjs, Jest and Testing Library, ...

npm init
npm i --save lerna lerna-packer

experimental, fix the version without any modifier

Add packerConfig.js with configs for apps and packages (component libraries):

const path = require('path');
const {packer} = require('lerna-packer');

const apps = {
    docs: {
        root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', '_docs-control'),
        template: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', '_docs-control/public/index.html'),
        contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', '_docs-control/public'),// dev-server
        port: 9219,
        main: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', '_docs-control/src/index.tsx'),
        dist: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'docs-control'),
        publicPath: '/',
        vendors: [],
        plugins: [],

const backends = {
    someApi: {
        root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', 'some-api'),
        src: 'src',
        entry: 'server.js',

const packages = {
    // the keys are the commonjs names that is applied to externals
    // this is the same as `@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs` applies
    controlKit: {
        name: '@control-ui/kit',
        root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', 'control-kit'),
        entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', 'control-kit/src/'),
    controlApp: {
        name: '@control-ui/app',
        root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', 'control-app'),
        entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages', 'control-app/src/'),

    // apps and packages are required, backends are optional
    {apps, backends, packages},

Add scripts to package.json:

    "scripts": {
        "start": "npm run clean-dist && npm run hoist && npm run serve",
        "serve": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node packerConfig.js --serve",
        "prebuild": "npm run clean-dist && npm run hoist",
        "build": "npm run build-babel && npm run build-backend && npm run dtsgen && npm run build-webpack",
        "build-babel": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production CI=true node packerConfig.js --build --babel",
        "build-backend": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production CI=true node packerConfig.js --build --backend",
        "build-webpack": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production CI=true node packerConfig.js --build --webpack",
        "clean": "npm run clean-dist && lerna clean -y",
        "clean-dist": "node packerConfig.js --clean",
        "dtsgen": "lerna run dtsgen",
        "bootstrap": "lerna bootstrap",
        "hoist": "lerna bootstrap --hoist",
        "test": "jest -c=\"packages/jest.config.js\"",
        "tdd": "npm test -- --watch --watchman --coverage=false",
        "release": "lerna publish from-package --no-git-reset"

Add babel.config.json or similiar:

    "presets": [
                "loose": false
    "plugins": [
                "loaderMap": {
                    "svg": {
                        "ReactComponent": "@svgr/webpack?-svgo,+titleProp,+ref![path]"
                "useBuiltIns": true
                "loose": true
    "env": {
        "cjs": {
            "presets": [
                        "loose": false
                        "loose": false
                        "loose": false
        "test": {
            "presets": [
            "plugins": [
        "node": {
            "presets": [
                        "targets": {
                            "node": "14"
                        "modules": false
                        "targets": {
                            "node": "14"
                        "modules": false

Add the following part into package.json for fatal errors on warnings for eslint in jest:

    "jest-runner-eslint": {
        "cliOptions": {
            "maxWarnings": 0
    "nodemonConfig": {
        "delay": 120

Add .eslintrc, tsconfig.json, jest.config.js in root/packages/package-dirs like wanted.

Used by, check the packerConfig.js there:


This project is free software distributed under the MIT License.


© 2021 Michael Becker


By committing your code/creating a pull request to this repository you agree to release the code under the MIT License attached to the repository.