
libp2p-floodsub, also known as pubsub-flood or just dumbsub, this implementation of pubsub focused on delivering an API for Publish/Subscribe, but with no CastTree Forming (it just floods the network).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import libp2pFloodsub from '';



Discourse posts Coverage Status Travis CI Circle CI Dependency Status js-standard-style

libp2p-floodsub, also known as pubsub-flood or just dumbsub, this implementation of pubsub focused on delivering an API for Publish/Subscribe, but with no CastTree Forming (it just floods the network).

Lead Maintainer

Vasco Santos.

Table of Contents


> npm install libp2p-floodsub


const FloodSub = require('libp2p-floodsub')

// registrar is provided by libp2p
const fsub = new FloodSub(peerId, registrar, options)

await fsub.start()

fsub.on('fruit', (data) => {

fsub.publish('fruit', new TextEncoder().encode('banana'))


Create a floodsub implementation

const options = {…}
const floodsub = new Floodsub(peerId, registrar, options)

Options is an optional object with the following key-value pairs:

  • emitSelf: boolean identifying whether the node should emit to self on publish, in the event of the topic being subscribed (defaults to false).

For the remaining API, see


Floodsub emits two kinds of events:

  1. <topic> when a message is received for a particular topic
  fsub.on('fruit', (data) => { ... })
  • data: a Uint8Array containing the data that was published to the topic
  1. floodsub:subscription-change when the local peer receives an update to the subscriptions of a remote peer.
  fsub.on('floodsub:subscription-change', (peerId, topics, changes) => { ... })
  • peerId: a PeerId object
  • topics: the topics that the peer is now subscribed to
  • changes: an array of { topicID: <topic>, subscribe: <boolean> } eg [ { topicID: 'fruit', subscribe: true }, { topicID: 'vegetables': false } ]


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