A simple function to exchange the short-lived OAuth2 token provided by the LinkedIn JSAPI to a long-lived OAuth token that can be used by the server to make REST api calls.
This mechanism is described in this linked-in documentation
This module also has a way to make REST API calls to linked in though that can be done using other modules as well.
npm install linkedin-exchange-tokens
var exchangeTokens = require('linkedin-exchange-tokens');
var options = {
'linkedinKey': 'Your Linked In API Key',
'linkedinSecret': 'Your Linked In API Secret'
// now assume your browser JS code calls the server with its OAuth2 token
// alternatively, this could be from OAuth2 passportjs flow
* You can get your token easily and with security by following step 1 & 2 of linkedin exchange token tutorial
var oauth2Token = '<token from browser JSAPI: for example: IN.ENV.auth.oauth_token>';
exchangeTokens(options, oauth2Token, function (err, tokenInfo) {
// now tokenInfo is the oauth1 token info
// {
// 'public': 'auth_token',
// secret: 'oauth_token_secret',
// expires: 'time when token expires'
// }
// You can use this to make rest calls as follows
tokenInfo.api('/v1/people/~/connections, function (err, info) {
// boom!
You can also make REST calls with this API using OAuth1.0 tokens.
var exchangeTokens = require('linkedin-exchange-tokens');
var options = {
'public': 'Your Linked In API Key',
'secret': 'Your Linked In API Secret'
// assume you have saved the tokenInfo from the previous example
// into the database and want to use it to make REST calls later
exchangeTokens.makeTokenInfo(options, tokenInfo)
.api('/v1/people/~/connections', function (err, info) {
// boom!
Environment variables
You can pass the linked in API key and secret via environment variables instead of via the options parameter.
- LIN_API_KEY -- set this to the public API key
- LIN_API_SECRET -- set this to the API secret