README - linkercli
Linker CLI is a command line interface for LinkerIoT Platform, it provide user to remote control with LinkerIoT platform managed devices using RESTful way and also interactive way.
Linker IoT Platform
LinkerIoT platform is a platform that provide cloud connect with your devices. And we also provide related remote managed features for user to control their devices to install, remove or upgrade. More detail, please see:
npm install linkercli -g
Before Start
If you using private LinkerIoT platform, please set the environment first:
export IOT_SERVER=http://your-server-url:port
Help page
Linker CLI implement help page to let you use "--help" to show command support.
$ linkercli --help
Usage: linkercli [options] [command]
config [options] [env] login to linker service
project [options] [env] project related operation
auth [options] [env] login to linker service
token [env] get current login token
device|dev [options] [env] device related command
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-C, --config [UUUU] The account username of linkeriot (should be an email)
For sub-command help page:
linkercli [sub-command] --help
You can try like this:
$ linkercli auth --help
Usage: auth [options] [env]
login to linker service
-h, --help output usage information
-u, --username [username] The account username of linkeriot (should be an email)
-p, --password [password] The account password of linkeriot
For excape some device id, please use "/" for escape:
ex: -AZwXZrybGFFVPyqAAAD as device id, can be escape use "/-AZwXZrybGFFVPyqAAAD"
linkercli dev clear --deviceid "/-AZwXZrybGFFVPyqAAAD"
Auth / Login
Before use of linkercli tool, you need to auth use your username and password.
$ linkercli auth -u your-account -p your-password
{ code: 200,
msg: 'ok',
token: '057d0e28d600931e87002958905c4a76d401e402711f06337331de37db40527100b9fc15de3dcb8705abeb189b247fe3' }
Project releated
The related project managed feature can use the project related command.
List your projects
If you already have project in out platform, you can list the project like:
$ linkercli prj list | json
"project_id": "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd",
"data": {
"project_alias": "simon-project2",
"project_archs": [
"download_urls": {
"rpi-armv7l": null,
"rpi-arm64": null
"create_time": 1460108981483
Create project
If you want to create a new project, you need to specify the project name, alias and the cpu architecture that you want to include in the project.
$ linkercli project create -p simon-project -a project-alias -r rpi-armv7l -r rpi-arm64
Get device image
After the device create, system will create the project image in background. And you can download the image using "linkercli project download" command.
$ linkercli prj download -p simon-project -r rpi-armv7l -O /tmp
List devices
If you already have devices in LinkerIoT platform, you can use the device related sub-command to show related information.
$ linkercli dev list -s active | json
"_id": "mxY6yqIkQzb9hZ9SAAAE",
"hostname": "cubietruck",
"mem_used": 0.2228827646798143,
"cpu_used": 0.013967527165392735,
"arch": "ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)",
"ip_detail": {
"eth0": [
"address": "",
"netmask": "",
"family": "IPv4",
"mac": "02:01:06:41:82:58",
"internal": false
"address": "fe80::1:6ff:fe41:8258",
"netmask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::",
"family": "IPv6",
"mac": "02:01:06:41:82:58",
"scopeid": 4,
"internal": false
"ips": [
"rootdisk": 0.8638665072108402,
"id": "mxY6yqIkQzb9hZ9SAAAE",
"deviceId": "mxY6yqIkQzb9hZ9SAAAE",
"projectInfo": {
"projectid": "simon-project",
"ownerid": "",
"owner": ""
"status": "active"
Get device running jobs/containers
Once you get the device id, you can look into the running job/container inside the device.
$ linkercli dev ps -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA | json
"containerId": "c4c2d8bc7815",
"command": "\"node web.js\"",
"image": "",
"createAt": "2016-04-19 02:30:30 +0000 UTC",
"created": "27 minutes",
"ports": ">1337/tcp",
"status": "Up 27 minutes",
"size": "0 B",
"names": "mad_nobel"
Service lifecycle in a device
Run a job/container in a device
$ linkercli device run -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA -i -c "node web.js" -P
Stop the job/container
$ linkercli device rm -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA -I a587c1013c4f
Show the exist images in a device
$ linkercli device images -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA
Get an image into device
$ linkercli dev pull -i -P -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA
Delete image in a device
$ linkercli device rm -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA -I a587c1013c4f
List process in a device
$ linkercli dev ps -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA | json
"containerId": "09bcc774d9da",
"command": "\"sh\"",
"image": "linkerlab/rpi-node:5.9.1-armv7l",
"createAt": "2016-04-08 08:28:12 +0000 UTC",
"created": "14 minutes",
"ports": "",
"status": "Up 14 minutes",
"size": "0 B",
"names": "prickly_shockley"
You can also show all process, like:
linkercli dev ps -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA --showall |json
"containerId": "f311d7f46e61",
"command": "\"node web.js\"",
"image": "",
"createAt": "2016-04-08 08:56:28 +0000 UTC",
"created": "59 seconds",
"ports": "",
"status": "Up 57 seconds",
"size": "0 B",
"names": "sharp_lumiere"
"containerId": "e9ec2a2c8fcb",
"command": "\"node linkeragent\"",
"image": "",
"createAt": "2016-04-08 07:32:22 +0000 UTC",
"created": "About an hour",
"ports": "",
"status": "Up 24 minutes",
"size": "0 B",
"names": "hungry_goldstine"
Stop container in a device
$ linkercli dev stop -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA -I 09bcc774d9da
"code": 200,
"msg": {
"err": null,
"stdo": "09bcc774d9da\n",
"stde": ""
Remove container in a device
$ linkercli dev rm -d a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA -I 09bcc774d9da | json
"code": 200,
"msg": {
"err": null,
"stdo": "09bcc774d9da\n",
"stde": ""
LinkerIoT interactive mode - linkercli-it
linkercli-it is an interactive mode shell for user to interactive with their device like SSH or Telnet. Before use of linkercli-it, you need to retrieve the device id as input to connect with.
$ linkercli-it a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA
You already connect to device a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA
Now, you can use the device related command to interactive with your device...
Please use command "quit" or "exit" for leave the session!
? a_54ERXdr4inKCGiAAAA → ls -l
total 48
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1828 Apr 8 06:28 builder.js
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 8 06:29 lib
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4951 Apr 13 14:02 linkeragent.js
drwxr-xr-x 44 root root 4096 Apr 14 08:06 node_modules
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 347 Apr 7 08:50 package.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1177 Feb 10 14:45 sample-webhook.json
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 13 11:02 scripts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3520 Feb 25 10:13 stat.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 72 Mar 11 11:24 test-guid.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 608 Apr 7 09:06 test.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52 Apr 14 07:43 test.yml