Linode API
Node.js Linode API based on their v4 API.
Methods are dynamic based on API endpoints specified in the documentation over here;
Since methods calls on this API automatically generate the API URL to call you will need to have a look at Linode API v4's documentation.
Methods are always in the format actionResource
. So to create a domain, you would call createDomain (data)
with data
being an object containing the fields and their values as per API documentation. To get a Linode instance (based on the /linode/instances/:id
API route) you would call getLinodeInstance (id)
URL parameters can be passed in in the order that they would appear in the route according to the documentation, and if there is a data object it can be passed along as the last parameter.
Every call returns a Promise with the result returned by their API.
or set
for POST
requests, edit
for PUT
requests, get
or list
for GET
requests, remove
Create domain
API route: /domains
let lnc = new Linode ('api-key');
lnc.createDomain ({ domain: '', type: 'master', soa_email: '' })
(response) => {
console.log ('Domain ID: ' +;
Get all distributions
API route: /linode/distributions
let lnc = new Linode ('api-key');
lnc.getLinodeDistributions ()
.then (...);
Get a Linode's disks
API route: /linode/instances/:id/disks
let lnc = new Linode ('api-key');
lnc.getLinodeInstanceDisks (linodeInstanceId)
.then (...);