
Lipid is simple state management.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lipid from '';



Lipid is simple state management.


$ npm install -S lipid
# yarn
$ yarn add lipid

Setting up your state

Simple Example

Get started by instantiating the Lipid class:

import Lipid from 'lipid';
const myState = new Lipid();
console.log(myState.get()); // {}

Each instantiated state is a separate instance of the Lipid class, and contains all the methods needed to use the state.

Default State

You can add a default state by passing in an object as the first argument:

import Lipid from 'lipid';

const myState = new Lipid({
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  age: 5,

console.log(myState.get().name); // 'John'

You can also reset to your default state with the reset() method. Continue reading for details.

Extend your state

If you need to add complicated logic or ajax calls when you change state, we can extend the Lipid class with any sort of methods that we want:

import Lipid from 'lipid';

class MyState extends Lipid {
  isAdult() {
    return this.state.age >= 18;
  hasLastName() {
    return !!this.state.lastName;

const myState = new MyState({ age: 5 });
console.log(myState.isAdult()); // false

Using your state

.set(state, [options])

state (object)

Object to append to state.

options (object)

Property Description Type Default
emit Emit to subscribers bool true
clear Clear state before setting bool false

Set state within your extending class, or with your instantiated instance:

inside your extending class:

import Lipid from 'lipid';

class MyState extends Lipid {
  updateName(name) {
    const fullName = name.split(' ');
      firstName: fullName[0],
      lastName: fullName[1],

const myState = new MyState();
myState.updateName('John Doe');

from the instantiated instance:

import myState from './my-state';

  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',


Get the entire state object with no arguments (.get()), or pass in a key to get one property (.get(key)):

import Lipid from 'lipid';

const myState = new Lipid({ age: 29 });
myState.get(); // { age: 29 }
myState.get('age'); // 29


Reset state back to defaultState (passed in during instantiation). This method will emit changes to all subscribers.

import Lipid from 'lipid';

const myState = new Lipid({ age: 29 });
myState.set({ age: 32, show: true });
myState.get(); // { age: 29 }


Lipid uses observables to emit events across your app. To create an observable you can subscribe to, call the .on() method.

If the props argument is empty (.on() or .on([])), all props changes will emit to this subscriber. You can also pass an array of strings to pick and choose what to listen to:

const myObservable = myState.on(['age']);

Observables use the latest version of rxjs, so feel free to pipe to your heart's content:

myObservable.subscribe(({ state }) => {
  // only emits 'age' changes

Internal state hooks

.onSetBefore(state) => state

Manipulate state before set is called. Requires state to be returned.

class MyState extends Lipid {
  onSetBefore(state) {
    return {
      lastUpdated: new Date(),
const myState = new MyState();
myState.set({ age: 29 });
state.get(); // { age: 29, lastUpdated: 1571291829316 }

.onSetAfter(newState, delta)

Do side-effect things after set is called.


  • newState - new state
  • delta - new state passed in to .set(). This helps us perform specific operations based on the delta properties.
class MyState extends Lipid {
  onSetAfter(state) {
    updateStorage('myState', state).then(() => {});

Warning: calling this.set() within a hook will result in an infinite loop and will crash your app 😨. Don't do that.

Practical React Example


import Lipid from 'lipid';

class MyState extends Lipid {
  isAdult() {
    return this.state.age >= 18;

export default new MyState();


import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import myState from './my-state';

export function DisplayAge() {
  const [age, updateAge] = useState(myState.state.age);
  const [isAdult, updateIsAdult] = useState(myState.isAdult());
  useEffect(() => {
    const ageObserver = myState.subscribe(({ age }) => {
    }, ['age'], (err) => {
    return ageObserver.unsubscribe;
  }, []);  
  return (
      <div>Age: {age}</div>
      <div>Is adult: {isAdult.toString()}</div>