
Checks that all dependencies in your package.json have supported versions installed

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import listInstalled from '';


List Installed

A modern typed async alternative to read-installed and readdir-scoped-modules. Used to list and return all modules installed in node_modules, either just their names or their package.json files.




yarn add list-installed
const { listInstalled } = require('list-installed');

listInstalled(__dirname).then(pkgMap => {
  // Eg. iterate over the map
  for (const [moduleName, pkg] of pkgMap.entries()) {
    // "moduleName" is identical to



path: A string pointing to the path of a directory, either absolute or relative to the current working directory. Eg: ./node_modules/

Returns: AsyncGenerator that emits string:s of the name of each found directory

Similar functionality to readdir() from readdir-scoped-modules.

Returns all directories in path, with the scoped directories (like @foo) expanded and joined with the directories directly beneath them (like eg. @foo/abc and @foo/bar if abc and bar are the two directories in @foo, though it will never expand to @- or .-prefixed subdirectories and will hence never return @foo/@xyz or @foo/.bin).

Will not return any directory with a name that begins with ..

readdirModuleTree(path, depth=0)

path: A string pointing to the path of a directory, either absolute or relative to the current working directory. Eg: ./node_modules/ depth: If set to 0, then this method is identical to readdirScoped(path), else this will return also modules found this many layers deep

Returns: AsyncGenerator that emits string:s the path to each found module, relative to the provided path

Works the same as readdirScoped with the addition that if depth is set to higher than 0, then for every result of readdirScoped a node_modules subdirectory is looked for and if found, readdirScoped is run on that directory as well, prefixing all results with the parent name/prefix followed by /node_modules/.

For a two level deep tree the name returned would be like foo/node_modules/bar/node_modules/xyz, which one can do .split('/node_modules/') on to get in array shape.


path: A string pointing to the path of a module, either absolute or relative to the current working directory. Eg: ./

Returns: Promise that resolves to a Map that has string keys of the names of the found dependencies and values being the parsed package.json files.

Similar functionality to readInstalled() from read-installed.

Returns all top level dependencies found installed for a module.

Parses all package.json in parallell using read-pkg with results corresponding to the type-fest PackageJson type.


path: A string pointing to the path of a module, either absolute or relative to the current working directory. Eg: ./

Returns: AsyncGenerator that emits the parsed package.json files of the found dependencies.

Same as listInstalled(path), but rather than parsing package.json in parallell, it parses it sequentially at the pace that it is consumed.